Associate Members

Stuart Kozlick
Professor of Practice
Department of Surgical and Interventional Sciences, Faculty of Medicine & Health Sciences

Andrew Kirk 
Director, McGill Institute for Advanced Materials

Luc Mongeau
Professor and Chair
Canada Research Chair (Tier 1)
Department of Mechanical Engineering

Maryam Tabrizian
Department of Biomedical Engineering

Damiano Pasini
Department of Mechanical Engineering

Ioannis Ragoussis 
Head of Genome Sciences
Professor, Department of Human Genomics

Walter Reisner
Associate Professor 
Department of Physics


Adjunct Professors

Stephane Bilodeau
Adjunct Professor
Department of Bioengineering
McGill University

Stephen W. Michnick 
Department of Biochemistry
Université de Montreal

Sven Ansorge
Team Leader
Viral Vector Production
National Research Council Canada

Lorena Betancor
Department of Biotechnology
Universidad ORT Uruguay

Martin Loignon
Team Leader
Cell Culture Scale-Up
National Research Council Canada

Aziza Manceur
Research Officer and Project Leader
Cell Culture Scale-Up
National Research Council Canada

Dr. Charles Capaday in the labCharles Capaday
Visiting Professor
Department of Health and Human Physiology
University of Iowa


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