Nadia Ferrara
Executive Director, Office of the Federal Ombudsman for Victims of Crime
Research Interests: Indigenous lived realities; personal narratives of trauma, resilience, healing; art therapy, diversity and social inclusion, cultural competence, victimology, sustainable community development; and the development of policies and legislation with First Nations, Inuit, and Métis that are place-based and meaningful on the ground
Contact: Phone: 613 960 3425; Email: nadia.ferrara [at] (Nadia Ferrara)
Viviane Weitzner
Research interests Indigenous law and rights; Afro-Descendant law and rights; legal anthropology (legal pluralities, anthropology of illegality, legal ontologies); activist research and ethnography; decoloniality; intersectionality; resilience and natural resources management (extractives, protected areas, common property theory and practice); environmental/climate justice; effects of armed conflict; violence; Americas; Indigenous-to-Indigenous and inter-ethnic collaboration; development policy.
Contact: Email: viviane.weitzner [at]