With an MA degree, you can follow an academic or a non-academic career path. The same is true with the PhD degree. Please check our Alumni page for information about what previous graduates are up to. Also check McGill's MyPath program.
An academic career path after the MA often means applying to PhD programs to continue your research. After the PhD, this oftentimes begins with postdoctoral study, and also job searches. Non-academic paths after earning an MA or a PhD are numerous. For more information, start by scheduling a meeting with McGill's Career Planning Service (CaPS).
Job search resources
McGill Career Planning Servics (CaPs) Resources for Grad Students
ChronicleVitae - Job search and resources from The Chronicle of Higher Education, U.S. and international
University Affairs Job Search - Academic job search for Canada, published by University Affairs magazine
AcademicWork.ca - Canadian Association of Teachers higher education job search
College Art Association (CAA) Career Center - Large database of visual arts job opportunities
HigherEdJobs - Higher education job search for Canada and the U.S.
5 Big-Picture Mistakes New Ph.D.s Make on the Job Market, The Chronicle of Higher Education
Professionalization resources
McGill SKILLSETS - Professional development workshops for McGill graduate students
Jonathan Sterne's Academic Professionalization Resources
Work Your Career: Get What You Want from Your Social Sciences or Humanities PhD (Loleen Berdahl and Jonathan Malloy)
Mitacs Training workshops - Professional skills development workshops for graduate students at Canadian universities
Postdoctoral Fellowships
American Council for Learned Societies
Banting Postdoctoral Fellowship
Quebec Merit Scholarship for Foreign Students (PBEEE & DE/DS)
Provostial Research Scholars in Institutional Histories, Slavery, and Colonialism