S-02-12 FACULTY OF SCIENCE Meeting of Faculty Tuesday, October 8, 2002 Leacock Council Room - L232 ATTENDANCE: As recorded in the Faculty Appendix Book. DOCUMENTS: S-02-1(Revised), S-02-2A S-02-4 to S-02- 11 Dean Shaver called the meeting to order at 3:30 p.m. (1) ADOPTION OF AGENDA Item #6 (d), Scholarships Committee to be added to the Agenda. Prof. Derome moved, seconded by Mr. Knowland, that the amended Agenda be adopted. The motion carried. (2) RESOLUTION ON THE DEATH OF PROFESSOR KEN HARE - PROF. G. EWING 202.1 Prof. Ewing read a formal resolution on the death of Prof. Hare (Appendix A, attached to the permanent copy of the minutes). The resolution was passed unanimously. (3) CANDIDATES FOR DEGREES a) Bachelor of Science S-02-5 Prof. Mucci moved, seconded by Prof. Franklin, that the above candidates be recommended to the Senate Steering Committee for the Bachelor of Science degree. The motion carried. b) Diploma in Environment S-02-6 There were no students receiving this Diploma. c) Diploma in Meteorology S-02-7 There were no students receiving this Diploma. Prof. GowriSankaran further moved, seconded by Prof. Franklin, that the Dean be given discretionary power to make such changes in the degree list as would be necessary to prevent injustice. The motion carried. 203.1 Associate Dean Mendelson thanked the advisers in both the Student Affairs Office and in departments for their work in preparing the degree lists. (4) MINUTES OF SEPTEMBER 10, 2002 S-02-4 Prof. GowriSankaran moved, seconded by Prof. Derome, that the minutes be approved. The motion carried. (5) BUSINESS ARISING FROM THE MINUTES - Minute 104.1, Seating of Student Members S-02-1 (Revised) (for information) 205.1 Dean Shaver drew members' attention to the revised list of student members. - Minute 105.3, Leo Yaffe Committee S-02-2A Prof. Franklin moved, seconded by Associate Dean Mendelson, that the revised membership be approved. The motion carried. (6) REPORTS OF COMMITTEES a) Committee on Student Standing S-02-8 Dean Shaver pointed out the report. b) Academic Committee S-02-9 SECTION A: NEW - African Field Study Semester AC-02-22 206.1 Prof. Meredith briefly described the above proposal, and answered members' questions. Prof. Ewing moved, seconded by Prof. Moore, that the Field Study Semester be adopted. The motion carried. ASSOCIATED NEW COURSE: - Biology BIOL 328 Biological Diversity in Africa AC-01-92(Rev) 3 credits Prof. Bell moved, seconded by Prof. Paquette, that the course be adopted. The motion carried. SECTION B: MAJOR PROGRAM CHANGES Chemistry -Faculty Program in Chemistry & Biological Sciences AC-02-18 Prof. Lennox moved, seconded by Prof. Farrell, that the program changes be approved. The motion carried. SECTION C: NEW COURSES THE FOLLOWING MATHEMATICS & STATISTICS COURSE WAS WITHDRAWN: (1) Mathematics & Statistics MATH 241 Discrete Structures 2 AC-02-7 3 credits (2) Psychology PSYC 507 Emotions, Stress, and Illness AC-02-12 3 credits Prof. Franklin moved, seconded by Prof. Moore, that the course be adopted. The motion carried. (3) Physics PHYS 614B Advanced Astrophysics 1 AC-02-13 3 credits PHYS 615A Advanced Astrophysics 2 AC-02-14 3 credits PHYS 621A High Energy Astrophysics AC-02-15 3 credits Prof. Grant moved, seconded by Prof. Guo, that the courses be adopted. The motion carried. PHYS 732A/B Topics in Astrophysics 1 AC-02-16 3 credits PHYS 733A/B Topics in Astrophysics 2 AC-02-17 3 credits Prof. Grant moved, seconded by Dr. Buchinger, that the courses be adopted. The motion carried. SECTION D: COURSE CHANGES Mathematics & Statistics MATH 240 Discrete Structures 1 AC-02-2 Changes: Title & Course Description 3 credits MATH 323 Probability Theory AC-02-3 Change in Course Description 3 credits MATH 324 Statistics AC-02-4 Change in Course Description 3 credits Prof. GowriSankaran moved, seconded by Prof. Drury, that the changes be approved. The motion carried. MATH 578 Numerical Analysis 1 AC-02-5 Changes: Prerequisite & Course Description 4 credits MATH 579 Numerical Differential Eqns. AC-02-6 Changes: Title, Prerequisite & Course Description 4 credits Prof. GowriSankaran moved, seconded by Prof. Drury, that the changes be approved. The motion carried. SECTION E: MINOR PROGRAM CHANGES THE FOLLOWING MATHEMATICS & STATISTICS PROGRAM CHANGES WERE WITHDRAWN: (1) Mathematics & Statistics - Joint Major in Mathematics & Computer Science AC-02-8 - Joint Honours in Mathematics & Computer Science AC-02-9 - Faculty Program in Mathematics & Computer Science AC-02-10 - Faculty Program in Mathematics, Statistics & Computer Science AC-02-11 (2) Geography - Honours in Geography AC-02-20 - Major in Geography AC-02-21 Prof. Ewing moved, seconded by Prof. Moore, that the program changes be approved. The motion carried. SECTION F: Reports from Committees & Other 1. Report of the Joint Bachelor of Arts and Science (BASc) Committee AC-02-26 206.2 Associate Dean Mendelson introduced the above report, and said that it was being presented to elicit feedback from the Faculty to aid in preparing a final report. 206.3 Associate Dean Mendelson answered members' questions. 206.4 A member said that it was not clear to him what advantages the BASc program would offer to either students or to the Faculty. Students in Science already had the option of doing Faculty programs, and the BASc seemed to him to be a watered-down Science degree. Furthermore, there would be no difference in the programs leading to a BA and a BASc in the four departments which currently offer both the BA and the BSc degrees. 206.5 Associate Dean Mendelson said that the member had raised interesting points, which it would be necessary for the Committee to address. 206.6 A member pointed out that an important aspect of the program would be the development of courses that were unique to the program. 206.7 In response to a member, Associate Dean Mendelson said that the issue of creating a unique program for the BASc was under consideration by the Committee, and there was the question of whether a unique program should be created initially, or whether the BASc should be introduced under McGill's current model, with a unique program possibly created later. 206.8 Referring to the issue of possible requirements to take a minimum number of 300- and 400-level courses in each area, a member pointed out that in some cases this would not ensure an increase in rigour. 2. Report of the Freshman Science Program (FSP) Subcommittee AC-02-27 206.9 Associate Dean Mendelson referred members to the report. He said that it was just for information at the current meeting, but that the report would be presented for discussion at the next Faculty meeting, along with a committee membership list from the Nominating Committee. 3. Associate Examiners AC-02-28 206.10 Associate Dean Mendelson introduced the above document. 206.11 There was some discussion, during which it was pointed out that sessional instructors are considered members of the academic staff. Prof. Drury moved, seconded by Associate Dean Mendelson, that the recommendation be adopted. The motion carried. SECTION G: Minor Course Changes & Other (For Information Only) 1. Minor Course Changes AC-02-1 2. Chemistry (New Course for Nursing Students) - CHEM 232 AC-02-19 3. Geography (BA Program Changes - Documents Available Upon Request) - Honours in Geography - Joint Honours in Geography - Major Concentration in Geography - Major Concentration in Geography (Urban Systems) 4. Barbados Field Study Semester AC-02-23 5. Centre for Electron Microscopy Research (CEMR)AC-02-24 THE FOLLOWING ITEM WAS WITHDRAWN: 6. International Centre of Biosensors and BiochipsAC-02-25 c) Other Reports or Academic Business Notice of Motion to Amend the Constitution of the Faculty Of Science - Associate Dean Mendelson 206.12 Associate Dean Mendelson presented the Notice of Motion, and said that the actual Motion will be considered at the Faculty meeting of November 12, 2002. d) Scholarships Committee - New Award: Maurice A. Mass‚ Memorial Award S-02-11 Value: minimum $1,250 206.13 Prof. Leighton, Chair, Faculty of Science Scholarships Committee, introduced the above scholarship. Prof. Leighton moved, seconded by Prof. GowriSankaran, that the award be adopted. The motion carried. (7) DEAN'S BUSINESS 207.1 Dean Shaver announced that Professor David Burns from the Department of Chemistry had been appointed as the new Associate Dean (Research). (8) REPORT ON ACTIONS OF SENATE - Senate Meeting of September 18, 2002 - Prof. G. Schmidt: At a recent meeting of the Arts senators it was decided to keep our reports brief with emphasis only on highlights. Complete minutes are available to all. Three items struck me particularly. 1. Professor Farrell asked questions regarding Faculty reviews with respect to appointments of deans . Advisory committees for the appointments of Deans in the Faculties of Arts and Education are in place but decisions are to follow reviews of the faculties and the arrival of the new principal who has requested such reviews. Professor Farrell wondered under whose authority the work of the Advisory Committees was delayed and commented on the lack of a role for Senate in setting up faculty review committees. The Principal responded that the Principal-designate intends to require formal reviews prior to the appointment of new deans and that he had been willing to cooperate with the new principal to some extent in setting up an informal review process within the advisory committees, without formally constituted review committees. He promised to report to Senate the general thrust of what is heard in those reviews. 2. Under the APPC report there was a discussion of the proposed changes to the Teaching Portfolio Guidelines in the Academic handbook. The word "Guidelines" had been changed to "Instructions" without consultation with MAUT.. and there was some discussion of the merit of each of those terms. The issue was referred back to APPC. 3. There was a committee discussion of the 2002-2003 budget. In particular there was discussion and requests for clarification of the plan to give Arts the round figure of 50 new positions without this appearing as a budget item. To quote the minutes: Vice-Principla Vinet noted that many of the Arts positions were already "in the pipeline" and funded. Others will be covered by increased revenues as part of the enrolment budget allocation. The University also plans to make imaginative use of the academic renewal envelope. The Principal stressed the importance of supporting the arts and humanities since they are not currently popular in government funding. - Senate Meeting of October 2, 2002 - Prof. J. Rasmussen: (9) MEMBERS' QUESTION PERIOD 209.1 In response to a member's question, Dean Shaver said that for the second year in a row, the university was providing money to faculties for the renewal of administrative and support staff. He was hopeful that this would be repeated in the following year. He was currently awaiting the Faculty of Science's budget in order to supplement the university's money before distributing the money to units. (10) OTHER BUSINESS There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 4:40 p.m. ============================= S-01-13 FACULTY OF SCIENCE ACADEMIC COMMITTEE Report to Faculty of Science Meeting of November 12, 2002 The Academic Committee approved the following on Tuesday, October 22, 2002: SECTION A: NEW PROGRAMS None SECTION B: MAJOR PROGRAM CHANGES McGill School of Environment - B.Sc. Program Changes: -Environment; Atmospheric Environment & Air Quality Domain AC-02-32 -Environment; Biodiversity & Conservation Domain AC-02-33 -Environment; Earth Sciences & Economics AC-02-34 -Environment; Ecological Determinants of Health (Population Stream) Domain AC-02-35 -Environment; Ecological Determinants of Health (Cellular Stream) Domain AC-02-36 -Environment; Environmetrics Domain AC-02-37 -Environment; Food Production & Environment Domain AC-02-38 -Environment; Land Surface Processes & Environmental Change Domain AC-02-39 -Environment; Renewable Resource Management Domain AC-02-40 -Environment; Water Environments & Ecosystems (Biological Stream) Domain AC-02-41 -Environment; Water Environments & Ecosystems (Physical Stream) Domain AC-02-42 SECTION C: NEW COURSES McGill School of Environment ENVR 301 Environmental Research Design AC-02-31 3 credits SECTION D: MAJOR COURSE CHANGES None SECTION E: MINOR PROGRAM CHANGES 1) McGill School of Environment -Diploma in Environment AC-02-43 2) Chemistry - Major in Chemistry; Bio-organic Option AC-02-45 - Major in Chemistry; Materials Option AC-02-46 - Honours in Chemistry; Materials Option AC-02-47 SECTION F: OTHER 1) McGill School of Environment - B.Sc. (Agr. Env. Sc.) - At its meeting of October 22, 2002, the Academic Committee approved a motion supporting the MSE's request to offer their B.Sc. programs also as B.Sc. (Agr. Env. Sc.) programs. B.Sc. (Agr. Env. Sc.) New Programs (for information) -Environment; Biodiversity & Conservation Domain AC-02-44 -Environment; Ecological Determinants of Health Population Stream) Domain -Environment; Ecological Determinants of Health (Cellular Stream) Domain -Environment; Environmetrics Domain -Environment; Food Production & Environment Domain -Environment; Land Surface Processes & Environmental Change Domain -Environment; Renewable Resource Management Domain -Environment; Water Environments & Ecosystems (Biological Stream) Domain -Environment; Water Environments & Ecosystems (Physical Stream) Domain -Diploma in Environment 2) School of Computer Science COMP 701 Thesis Proposal and Area Exam AC-02-53 Change in Course Description 3 credits Course retirement: COMP 700 Ph.D. Comprehensive Examination AC-02-54 4 credits Program Changes: - Ph.D. in Computer Science AC-02-55 (3) Centre for Self-Assembled Chemical Structures AC-02-52 (Revised) Guidelines & Checklist for Research Centres AC-01-76A (4) Placement Tests AC-02-56 (Revised 2)/AC-01-100 (5) Academic Standing AC-02-57(Revised) SECTION G: MINOR COURSE CHANGES & OTHER (For Information Only) 1) Minor Course Changes AC-02-30 2) McGill School of Environment - B.A. Program Changes -Environment; Ecological Determinants of Health in Society Domain -Environment; Economics & the Earth's Environment Domain -Environment; Environment & Development Domain -Diploma in Environment 3) Chemistry - B.A. Minor Concentration - Minor Concentration in Chemistry for Arts Students