S-02-4 FACULTY OF SCIENCE Meeting of Faculty Tuesday, September 10, 2002 Leacock Council Room - L232 ATTENDANCE: As recorded in the Faculty Appendix Book. DOCUMENTS: S-01-48, S-01-49 S-02-1, S-02-2, S-02-3 Dean Shaver called the meeting to order at 3:05 p.m. (1) ADOPTION OF AGENDA 101.1 Associate Dean Mendelson said that an additional item, Examination Statistics (S-02-3), would be added to the Agenda under Other Reports or Academic Business. Prof. Drury moved, seconded by Prof. Lennox, that the amended Agenda be adopted. The motion carried. (2) MINUTES OF MAY 21, 2002 S-01- 48 Prof. Farrell moved, seconded by Prof. Lin, that the minutes be approved. The motion carried. (3) BUSINESS ARISING FROM THE MINUTES There was no business arising from the Minutes. (4) SEATING OF STUDENT MEMBERS S-02- 1 104.1 Dean Shaver welcomed student members to the Faculty of Science meeting. (5) REPORTS OF COMMITTEES a) Scholarship Committee S-01- 49 Prof. Leighton moved, seconded by Prof. GowriSankaran, that the scholarship report be approved. The motion carried. b) Nominating Committee S-02- 2 (1) The Faculty of Science Ad Hoc Standing Committee on Computing: a) Workgroup on Instructional Computing b) Workgroup on Administrative Computing c) Workgroup on Technology 105.1 Dean Shaver said the Nominating Committee had recommended that the ad hoc Standing Committee on Computing be abolished due to inactivity. Prof. Prof. de Takacsy moved, seconded by Prof. GowriSankaran, that the above committee be abolished. The motion carried. (2) Committee on Student Standing Mr. Lewis moved, seconded by Prof. Paquette, that the membership of the above committee be approved. The motion carried. (3) Academic Committee Prof. Drury moved, seconded by Prof. GowriSankaran, that the membership of the above committee be approved. The motion carried. (4) Science Chairs Council (for information) 105.2 Dean Shaver said that membership in this council consists of the chairs/directors of the various units in the Faculty of Science, and the Associate Deans. The council acts as an advisory committee. (5) Committee on Materials Science Prof. GowriSankaran moved, seconded by Prof. Lennox, that the membership of the above committee be approved. The motion carried. (6) Scholarship Committee Prof. Rasmussen moved, seconded by Prof. Franklin, that the membership of the above committee be approved. The motion carried. (7) Tenure Committee (for information) 105.3 Dean Shaver said that the Tenure Committee recommends Tenure dossiers to the Principal and Vice-Principal. The membership of this committee is approved by Senate. (8) Leo Yaffe Committee 105.3 It was noted that the list of student members/alternates was heavily weighted towards the biomedical departments. An attempt would be made to change this. Prof. Paquette moved, seconded by Prof. de Takacsy, that the membership of the above committee be approved. The motion carried. 105.4 Dean Shaver said that in the past, nominations for the recently instituted Principal's Prize had been dealt with on an ad hoc basis. This year, as an experiment, the Leo Yaffe Committee would handle both the Leo Yaffe Award and the Principal's Prize nominations. The Leo Yaffe Committee would then recommend a solution for the future - either that the Leo Yaffe Committee continue to administer both awards, or that a separate committee be struck for the Principal's Prize nominations. (9) Animal Care Committee Prof. GowriSankaran moved, seconded by Prof. Franklin, that the membership of the above committee be approved. The motion carried. (10) Science Nominating Committee (for information) 105.5 Dean Shaver said that this committee consists of the nine Science Senators. He said that Faculty members should feel free to express their opinions on academic issues to members of the Nominating Committee. (11) Ad Hoc Constitution Review Committee 105.6 The student member nominated by SUS was J. Vorstenbosch. Prof. Farrell moved, seconded by Prof. Bell, that the membership of the above committee be approved. The motion carried. 105.7 Associate Dean Mendelson pointed out that the statement "Mandate completed: 17/01/01" should be deleted. c) Other Reports or Academic Business (i) Examination Statistics S-02- 3 105.8 Associate Dean Mendelson drew members' attention to the report on statistics for the Arts and Science August Supplemental/Deferred examinations. (6) DEAN'S BUSINESS (a) Enrolment 106.1 Dean Shaver said that, while the figures were not final, the number of projected registrations in the Faculty of Science was 1101. This was at the high end of the target number. 106.2 Associate Dean Mendelson added that the Faculty had aimed for the high end, since there would no longer be January admissions, except for CEGEP students and students with McGill transcripts. 106.3 Dean Shaver mentioned that 57% of B.Sc. students were now women, and that the percentage could be even higher among entering students. (b) New Professors 106.4 Dean Shaver said that in the current year 25 new professors would be coming to the Faculty. Along with the new professors who have been hired over the last several years, this represents a large renewal of the Faculty. The screening of candidates has involved much work for departments. Among the 25 new professors are six women and about 10 CRC chairs. Almost all departments hired new professors for the current year. Not all new professors were at the assistant-professor level; some were associate or full professors. 106.5 In response to a member's question, Dean Shaver said that he was not sure of the exact numbers of Tier 1 and Tier 2 CRC chairs, but that he would communicate the numbers to the member. (7) MEMBERS' QUESTION PERIOD 107.1 In reply to a member's question concerning nominations for candidates for honorary degrees, Dean Shaver said that some nominations go directly to the Senate's Honorary Degrees and Convocations Committee, while others are initiated by the Dean of Science. (8) OTHER BUSINESS There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 3:55 p.m.