S-00-24 FACULTY OF SCIENCE Meeting of Faculty Tuesday, January 9, 2001 Leacock Council Room - L232 ATTENDANCE: As recorded in the Faculty Appendix Book. DOCUMENTS: S-00-20 to S-00-23 Dean Shaver called the meeting to order at 3:00 p.m. (1) ADOPTION OF AGENDA Prof. Mucci moved, seconded by Prof. Brown, that the Agenda be approved. The motion carried. (2) MINUTES OF DECEMBER 5, 2000 S-00- 20 Prof. Harpp moved, seconded by Prof. Baker, that the minutes be approved. The motion carried. (3) BUSINESS ARISING FROM THE MINUTES There was no business arising from the minutes. (4) ANNOUNCEMENTS 504.1 Dean Shaver said that announcements concerning promotions, awards, etc., have been circulated regularly by e-mail. He said he would encourage members to continue to submit announcements. (5) REPORTS OF COMMITTEES a) Committee on Student Standing S-00- 21 505.1 Associate Dean Mendelson read the CSS report. b) Sub-committee on Scholarships - New Scholarship JDS Uniphase Scholarships in Optics and Photonics S-00- 22 505.2 Prof. Brown introduced the above new scholarship, and said that students would complete an application form through the Department of Physics. c) Academic Committee S-00-23 SECTION A: NEW PROGRAMS None SECTION B: MAJOR PROGRAM REVISIONS None SECTION C: MINOR PROGRAM REVISIONS 1. Psychology - B.Sc. Program Changes: Faculty Program in Psychology (AC-00-149) Major Program in Psychology (AC-00-150) Honours Program in Psychology (AC-00-151) Prof. Marley moved, seconded by Prof. Baker, that the program changes be approved. 505.3 Prof. Baker proposed a friendly amendment that on Page 3 in each of the above programs (Document numbers AC-00- 149, AC-00-150, AC-00-151), the course 204-475, listed under the Social and Personality area of specialization, should be changed back to its original number, 204-331. The motion carried. 2. McGill School Of Environment - Program Changes: B.Sc. Environment; Environmetrics (AC-00-161) Prof. Schmidt moved, seconded by Prof. Mucci, that the program changes be approved. The motion carried. B.Sc. Environment; Biodiversity and Conservation (AC-00-162) Prof. Harpp moved, seconded by Prof. Brown, that the program changes be approved. The motion carried. 3. Science For Teachers (AC-00-165 - Section A, Variations 1,2 and 3) 505.4 Associate Dean Mendelson said the changes were created in order to facilitate students' entry into the B.Sc./B.Ed. program. 505.5 Dean Shaver said there was a pending crisis in North America in the number of qualified science teachers at the primary and secondary school level. Many steps were currently being taken to facilitate the transfer of B.Sc. students into teaching programs, and the proposed changes would help with this. Other ways of encouraging B.Sc. students to enter teaching would be sought. Prof. Harpp moved, seconded by Prof. Brown, that Document AC-00-165, Section A, Variations 1,2 and 3, be approved. The motion carried. SECTION D: NEW COURSES Chemistry 180-629 Organic Synthesis (AC-00-156) 5 credits Prof. Farrell moved, seconded by Prof. Harpp, that the course be adopted. The motion carried. 180-503A Drug Design and Development 1 (AC-00- 157) 3 credits 180-504B Drug Design and Development 2 (AC-00- 158) 3 credits 505.6 Associate Dean Mendelson pointed out that the above courses are double-prefix courses with those offered by the Department of Pharmacology and Therapeutics, i.e., 549-503 and 549-504. Prof. Farrell moved, seconded by Prof. Harpp, that the courses be adopted. The motion carried. SECTION E: MAJOR COURSE REVISIONS 1. Psychology 204-474B Interpersonal Relationships (AC-00-147) 3 credits Number Change from 204-354 Prof. Marley moved, seconded by Prof. Baker, that the change be approved. 505.7 Prof. Baker proposed a friendly amendment that the 'Rationale' be rewritten as a result of 204-475 being changed back to its original number, 204-331. The motion carried. 2. Physics 198-200A Space, Time & Matter (AC-00-163) 3 credits Changes in Description & Restriction Prof. Barrette moved, seconded by Prof. Mucci, that the changes be approved. The motion carried. SECTION F: OTHER Statistics Course Equivalencies (AC-00-166) 505.8 Associate Dean Mendelson said that a review of statistics course equivalencies had been undertaken because there were a number of discrepancies. He said that the revised list of statistics course equivalencies would be printed in the 2001-2002 Calendar. Prof. Pasztor moved, seconded by Ms. Noueihed, that the list of equivalent statistics courses to be published in the Calendar (Page 3, Document AC-00-166), be adopted. The motion carried. 505.9 Associate Dean Mendelson, on behalf of the Faculty of Science, thanked Prof. Baines and his committee for the tremendous amount of work involved in revising the list of statistics course equivalencies. SECTION G: Minor Course Revisions & Other (For Information Only) 1. Minor Course Changes (AC-99-145) 2. Psychology - B.A. Program Changes: Major Concentration in Psychology (AC-00-152) Honours Program in Psychology (AC-00-153) Minor Concentration in Behavioral Science (AC-00-154) Minor Concentration in Psychology (AC-00-155) (6) DEAN'S BUSINESS There was no Dean's business. (7) MEMBERS' QUESTION PERIOD There were no questions. (8) REPORT ON ACTIONS OF SENATE Senate Meeting of December 6, 2000 - Prof. P. Farrell This meeting commenced with a series of questions by Professor Noumoff to V.P. Vinet concerning the change in status of a number of part-time Lecturers to Course Lecturers, the latter category being ineligible for benefits. The answers to these questions, regarding severance-pay entitlement, the right to retain benefit eligibility if more than 5 years have been served as a part-time Lecturer, the cumulation of credits taught in different departments and the definitions of these positions were combined by the Vice Principal into a commitment to examine each case in which injustice may be perceived to have been done. To a question asking whether the current Administration considered that it had the right to exercise discretionary powers in any matter where such action was not expressly forbidden (by Statute or Regulation) the Principal replied that he would continue to operate as he had in the past. A motion regarding students' rights to proper examination and classroom environments, introduced partly in response to complaints about the seating arrangements for mid-term exams, was referred to the Committee on Student Affairs for consideration. The meeting then considered "official business" from organs of University Government, which included a report from APPC, the First Year Experience Workgroup, the Fall registration summary, the appointments of Senate representatives to Committees and the latest data on Administrative and Support Staff numbers (more M's)! Among these official reports/recommendations were a complete revision of the regulations relating to the Employment of Librarian Staff - something that has been worked on for several years. This revision parallels regulations pertaining to Librarian staff with those pertaining to Academic staff, notably with respect to effective promotion dates, reappointment and promotion to Full Librarian. This latter is proposed to require a statutory selection committee as for promotion to Full Professor. Few comments were raised upon those proposals, except with regard to the requirement that the appropriate Dean and Departmental Chair shall also recommend the appointment of a librarian to serve in a faculty or department. Senate voted to recommend these revised regulations to the Board. There being no further business and no questions to the principal arising from his Report (of Nov. 20), Senate adjourned for a well-deserved 6-week recuperation. (9) OTHER BUSINESS There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 3:27 p.m.