AC-05-142 FACULTY OF SCIENCE ACADEMIC COMMITTEE Minutes of the meeting held on Tuesday, May 9, 2006, at 3:00 p.m. in Arts Council Room, Arts 160. PRESENT: Dean Grant (Chair), Associate Dean Hendren (Vice-Chair), Associate Dean Leighton; Professors Baines, Cline, Drury, Fabry, Kemme, Levine, Martin, Shultz, Silvius, Ronis (in place of Prof. Andrews), Yau; M. Asimakopulos (in place of E. Gibb); J. D’Amico. REGRETS: Professor Chmura, Mandato, Wechsler; Associate Dean Hendershot; L. Das, T. Ebanks, J. Gale, M. Lagodich, Y. Lu, J. Pasternak, J. Zhai. DOCUMENTS: AC-05-111 to AC-05-141 Dean Grant called the meeting to order at 3:00 p.m. (1) ADOPTION OF AGENDA - Item #4, Minor Course Changes, to be considered after Item #7 of the Agenda. Prof. Levine moved, seconded by Ms. Asimakopulos, that the amended Agenda be adopted. The motion carried. (2) MINUTES OF APRIL 25, 2006 AC-05-111 Prof. Shultz moved, seconded by Prof. Yau, that the Minutes be approved. The motion carried. (3) BUSINESS ARISING FROM THE MINUTES There was no business arising from the Minutes. (4) REPORT ON MINOR COURSE CHANGES AC-05-112 (for information) (5) BIOLOGY BIOL 434 Theoretical Ecology Change in number [from 534] AC-05-113 3 credits 905.1 Prof. Levine briefly described the reason for the change, and answered members' questions. Prof. Levine moved, seconded by Prof. Shultz, that the changes be approved. The motion carried. (6) PHYSICS New Course: PHYS 641 Observ Tech of Mod Astrophys AC-05-114 3 credits New Course: PHYS 642 Radiative Process in Astrophys AC-05-115 3 credits New Course: PHYS 643 Astrophysical Fluids AC-05-116 3 credits New Course: PHYS 644 Galaxies and Cosmology AC-05-117 3 credits 906.1 Prof. Cline introduced the above courses, and answered members' questions. Prof. Cline moved, seconded by Prof. Shultz, that the above courses be adopted. The motion carried. PHYS 645 High Energy Astrophysics AC-05-118 Changes in number [from 621], prerequisite and description 3 credits 906.2 Ms. Asimakopulos pointed out errors with regard to a book title and the spelling of an author’s name. Prof. Cline moved, seconded by Prof. Ronis, that the changes be approved. The motion carried. PHYS 632 Seminar in Astrophysics 1 AC-05-119 Change in number [from 614], title and description 3 credits PHYS 633 Seminar in Astrophysics 2 AC-05-120 Changes in number [from 615], title and description 3 credits After answering several questions, Prof. Cline moved, seconded by Prof. Yau, that the above changes be approved. The motion carried. (7) CHEMISTRY New Course: CHEM 223 Intro Phys Chem 1 Lect AC-05-121 2 credits New Course: CHEM 243 Intro Phys Chem 2 Lect AC-05-122 2 credits New Course: CHEM 253 Intro Phys Chem 1 Lab AC-05-123 1 credit New Course: CHEM 263 Intro Phys Chem 2 Lab AC-05-124 1 credit 907.1 Prof. Ronis explained the reasons for creating the above courses, and answered members' questions. Prof. Ronis moved, seconded by Prof. Shultz, that the above courses be adopted. 907.2 Associate Dean Leighton suggested that the word "Lect" be removed from the titles of CHEM 223 and CHEM 243, since it is not normally specified that a course is a lecture course. Prof. Ronis accepted this as a friendly amendment. The motion carried. CHEM 345 Molec Props & Structure 1 AC-05-125 Change in prerequisite 3 credits CHEM 419 Advances in Chem of Atmosphere AC-05-126 Change in prerequisite 3 credits CHEM 455 Intro Polymer Chem AC-05-127 Change in prerequisite 3 credits CHEM 514 Biophysical Chemistry AC-05-128 Change in prerequisite 3 credits CHEM 585 Colloid Chemistry AC-05-129 Change in prerequisite 3 credits 907.3 It was pointed out that CHEM 419 was a double-prefix course with ATOC 419, and that the change to CHEM 419 should also apply to ATOC 419. Prof. Ronis moved, seconded by Prof. Levine, that the above changes be approved. The motion carried. *Secretary’s Note: The Course Revision Form for ATOC 419 (AC-05-126A) has been submitted. Program Changes: Faculty Program in Chemistry AC-05-130 Major in Chemistry AC-05-131 Major in Chemistry with Bio-organic Option AC-05-132 Major in Chemistry with Environmental Chemistry Option AC-05-133 Major in Chemistry with Materials Option AC-05-134 Honours in Chemistry AC-05-135 Honours in Chemistry with Bio-organic Option AC-05-136 Honours in Chemistry with Environmental Chemistry Option AC-05-137 Honours in Chemistry with Materials Option AC-05-138 Joint Honours in Physics and Chemistry AC-05-139 Faculty Program in Mathematics, Chemistry and Physics AC-05-140 Faculty Program in Chemistry and Mathematics AC-05-141 907.4 Prof. Ronis explained the reasons for the above program changes. Prof. Ronis moved, seconded by Prof. Yau, that the above program changes be approved. The motion carried. (8) OTHER BUSINESS 908.1 Associate Dean Hendren thanked the Committee for their excellent work during the year. 908.2 Associate Dean Hendren also thanked Josie D'Amico and Jennifer Hunter for keeping the Committee organized. There was no other business. The meeting adjourned at 3.35 p.m. 4 ACMinutesMay9.doc