AC-03-162 FACULTY OF SCIENCE ACADEMIC COMMITTEE Minutes of the meeting held on Tuesday, March 16, 2004, at 3:00 p.m. in Arts Council Room, Arts 160. PRESENT: Dean Shaver (Chair), Associate Dean Mendelson (ViceChair), Professors Arkani- Hamed, Bennett, Cline, Kakkar, Kemme, Kramer, Schmidt, Wechsler, Yau; Ms. J. Capling, Mr. R. Harron, Mr. S. Sen; E. Gibb; J. D'Amico. GUEST: Dr. Anthony Masi, Deputy Provost and CIO, and Prof. Diana Mok, Department of Geography REGRETS: Professors Baines, Baker, Meredith, Roulet, Silvius; Associate Dean Hendershot; Mr. R. Kozak, Mr. E. Lewis, Ms. A. Malone, Mr. J. Vorstenbosch; Mr. El Ouali. DOCUMENTS: AC-03-149 to AC-03-161 Dean Shaver called the meeting to order at 3:03 p.m. (1) ADOPTION OF AGENDA - Online Course Evaluations, Item #4, to be considered as the first item of the Agenda. 701.1 It was accepted that the amended Agenda be adopted. (2) MINUTES OF FEBRUARY 24, 2004 AC-03-149 Prof. Kemme moved, seconded by Prof. Kramer, that the Minutes be approved. The motion carried. (3) BUSINESS ARISING FROM THE MINUTES There was no business arising from the Minutes. (4) ONLINE COURSE EVALUATIONS AC-03-159/AC-03161 704.1 Dean Shaver introduced Dr. Anthony Masi,Deputy Provost and CIO, who was present to talk about McGill's online course evaluations - McGill Online Evaluation (MOLE). 704.2 Associate Dean Mendelson briefly described Document AC- 03-159, the results of a questionnaire concerning current practices involving course evaluations in B.Sc. units. 704.3 Associate Dean Mendelson said that he hoped to establish a small workgroup, including students, to go over Document AC-03-159 and over university policies, in order to come up with recommendations concerning course evaluations. 704.4 Dr. Masi said that McGill was currently involved in a pilot project that would link the online evaluation system to Minerva, and which would use Minerva's authentication system. He said that having a McGillwide system would standardize the course evaluation process, and allow data to be easily compiled and analyzed. 704.5 Dr. Masi tabled a document (AC-03-161) that described MOLE and how it would work. He briefly went over the document, and said that the preliminary test would make the evaluations available to students for two weeks, allowing students to complete the evaluations in their own time and at their own pace. He said that professors from the Faculties of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences, Arts and Engineering were participating in the test, and that he hoped professors from Science would also participate. 704.6 Dr. Masi answered members' questions. Among issues raised were the problem of students switching sections, resulting in students evaluating sections in which they were not formally registered; and the difficulty in evaluating courses taught by multiple instructors, including the problems of questionnaire length and security. 704.7 In further discussion, there was general agreement that the Faculty of Science should participate in the trial; this would allow the Faculty to have input into the process. It was strongly felt that multi-section and multi-instructor courses should not participate until clear solutions were found to their problems. 704.8 A member suggested that student participation in, and enthusiasm for, evaluations would be enhanced by informing students of the various ways in which evaluations are actually used, and assuring students that the evaluations are indeed important, and not an empty exercise. 704.9 Dean Shaver said that he would communicate to chairs the Academic Committee's desire to participate in the trial. He said that it would be prudent not to include assistant professors in online course evaluations, since it was not yet known whether evaluations would change as a result of their being put online. (5) REPORT ON MINOR COURSE CHANGES AC-03-150 (for information) 705.1 It was suggested that old course titles be included in the Minor Course Change Report. Secretary's Note: The Secretary to Academic Committee will bring one copy of the Course Proposal Forms for Minor Course Changes to Academic Committee meetings, so any interested parties can look at them there. (6) AD HOC MINOR PROGRAM IN PHYSIOLOGY AC-03-151 706.1 There was some discussion as to why the student had not done the Minor in Biotechnology with a Physiology Option; why there was no Minor in Physiology; and whether the student's "context" should be included in ad hoc proposals. Prof. Wechsler moved, seconded by Mr. Harron, that the ad hoc program be approved. The motion carried. (7) GEOGRAPHY THE FOLLOWING COURSE WAS REFERRED BACK TO THE DEPARTMENT. New Course: GEOG 380 Adaptive Envr. Management AC-03-152 3 credits 707.1 There were questions concerning the lecture hours being 2.8 hrs/week; the problems that would be encountered if Web registration were blocked in the event of a student not having a prerequisite; the course description being incomplete; and the lack of consultation with the School of Computer Science. Associate Dean Mendelson moved, seconded by Prof. Kakkar, that the course be tabled to a future Academic Committee meeting. The motion carried. New Course: GEOG 507 Advanced Social Geography AC-03-153 3 credits Prof. Kramer moved, seconded by Prof. Yau, that the course be adopted. The motion carried. New Course: GEOG 509 Qualitative Methods in Geography AC-03-154 3 credits 707.2 The course description should read: "Qualitative methods that Geographers use and the debates surrounding their use; epistemological underpinnings of methodological choices." 707.3 Item #12, Web registration should not be blocked. Associate Dean Mendelson moved, seconded by Ms. Capling, that the course be adopted. The motion carried. GEOG 688 Social Statistics 1 AC-03-155 Changes: split of course, title, credit weight, description 1.5 Credits GEOG 689 Social Statistics 2 AC-03-156 Changes: split of course, title, credit weight, description 1.5 Credits 707.4 Prof. Diana Mok, Department of Geography, explained the reasons for the course split, and answered members' questions. Mr. Harron moved, seconded by Prof. Kramer, that the course changes be approved. The motion carried. Program Changes (for information): - M.A. in Geography; Social Statistics AC-03-157 (8) B.A. & Sc. ADMISSIONS POLICY AC-03-158 - Actual Admissions Criteria AC-03-160 708.1 Associate Dean Mendelson briefly described the proposed B.A. & Sc. admissions policy and the actual admissions criteria used in September 2003, and then answered members' questions. Associate Dean Mendelson moved, seconded by Prof. Bennett, that the admissions policy in Document AC-03158 be adopted. The motion carried. (9) OTHER BUSINESS There being no other business, the meeting adjourned at 4:38 p.m.