AC-02-81 FACULTY OF SCIENCE ACADEMIC COMMITTEE Minutes of the meeting held on Tuesday, November 19, 2002, at 2:30 p.m. in Room 409, Dawson Hall. PRESENT: Dean Shaver (Chair), Associate Dean Mendelson (Vice- Chair), Professors, Baker, Drury, Kakkar, Kramer, Leighton, Panangaden, Paquette, Silvius, Sutton, Wechsler; L. Bondy, J. Capling, C. Caserly, S. Chakkalackal, I. Halperin, E. Lewis, C. Ward; J. D'Amico. REGRETS: Professors Arkani-Hamed, Baines, Bennett, Lapointe; Associate Dean Hendershot; E. Gibb. DOCUMENTS: AC-02-56 (Revised 2)/AC-01-100, AC-02-56 (Revised 3), AC-02-56A AC-02-59 to AC-02-80 Dean Shaver called the meeting to order at 2:35 p.m. Dean Shaver introduced Prof. D. Kramer, the new Biology Department representative. 1. ADOPTION OF AGENDA - Under Item #13, Other Business, Ad hoc Neuroscience Major Proposal (AC-02-80) to be added. - Item #12, should read "Proposal for a Bachelor of Arts and Science (BASc) Degree Program." Prof. Kakkar moved, seconded by Prof. Wechsler, that the modified Agenda be approved. The motion carried. 2. MINUTES OF OCTOBER 22, 2002 AC-02- 59 Associate Dean Mendelson moved, seconded by Prof. Paquette, that the minutes be approved. The motion carried. 3. BUSINESS ARISING FROM THE MINUTES There was no business arising from the minutes. 4. MINOR COURSE CHANGES AC-02- 60 (for information) 5. PSYCHOLOGY New Courses: PSYC 496 Senior Honours Research 1 AC-02- 61 3 credits PSYC 497 Senior Honours Research 2 AC-02- 62 3 credits PSYC 498D1/PSYC 498D2 Senior Honours Research AC-02- 63 6 credits 305.1 There was some discussion regarding the amount of research normally expected for an Honours degree; an ambiguity in the writing of the Rationale for PSYC 498D1/PSYC 498D2; and the fact that a "15 week term" was mentioned under the Evaluation section for each course. 305.2 Associate Dean Mendelson pointed out that for all three courses, under #12, Total Hours/Week should read 9, and that rather then specifying there would be no supplemental exam, it should be stated that there would be no opportunity for additional work. He also said that all three courses should refer to Faculty regulations concerning the number of credits that students can receive for project courses. Prof. Baker moved, seconded by Prof. Wechsler, that the above courses be adopted. The motion carried. - Prerequisite Change: PSYC 481D1/PSYC 481D2 Honours Thesis Research AC-02-64 6 credits Prof. Baker moved, seconded by Ms. Capling, that the change be approved. The motion carried. Program Changes: Honours Program in Psychology AC-02- 65 Prof. Baker moved, seconded by Ms. Chakkalackal, that the changes be approved. The motion carried. 6. EARTH & PLANETARY SCIENCES New Courses: EPSC 561 Ore-forming Processes 1 AC-02- 66 3 credits EPSC 562 Ore-forming Processes 2 AC-02- 67 3 credits 306.1 Associate Dean Mendelson said that SCTP would be likely to require consultation reports from the Department of Mining and Metallurgical Engineering, and that these should be obtained. Prof. Paquette moved, seconded by Prof. Silvius, that the courses be adopted. The motion carried. 7. PHYSICS New Courses: PHYS 107 Mechanics Lab. (Life Sciences) AC-02- 68 1 credit PHYS 108 E&M Lab. (Life Sciences) AC-02-69 1 credit PHYS 117 Mechanics Laboratory AC-02- 70 1 credit PHYS 118 E&M Laboratory AC-02-71 1 credit Prof. Sutton moved, seconded by Ms. Caplin, that the courses be adopted. The motion carried. Course Retirements: PHYS 109 D1/PHYS 109 D2 General Physics Laboratory AC-02-72 2 credits PHYS 119 D1/PHYS 119 D2 General Physics Laboratory AC-02-73 2 credits Prof. Sutton moved, seconded by Prof. Kakkar, that the retirements be approved. The motion carried. New Courses Referred Back to the Department of Physics: PHYS 205 Ancient and Modern Cosmology AC-02- 74 3 credits PHYS 206 The Milky Way Inside and Out AC-02- 75 3 credits 307.1 Questions were raised about the relationship between the course titles, the descriptions and the rationale, and about the fact that the textbook was the same for the two courses, and was the same textbook used in PHYS 204. It was suggested that the course descriptions could be expanded, and Associate Dean Mendelson said that course outlines should be provided. Associate Dean Mendelson moved, seconded by Prof. Panangaden, that the courses be referred back to the Department of Physics. The motion carried. 8. COMPUTER SCIENCE New Course: COMP 667 Software Fault Tolerance AC-02-76 3 credits 308.1 In response to Associate Dean Mendelson, Prof. Panangaden said that the course ECSE 422, which has been approved by the University, is not yet being taught, and has no teacher currently assigned to it. The Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering was unable to provide much information about ECSE 422. Prof. Panangaden moved, seconded by Ms. Chakkalackal, that the course be adopted. The motion carried. 9. AD HOC COGNITIVE SCIENCE HONOURS PROGRAM AC-02-77 Associate Dean Mendelson moved, seconded by Prof. Baker, that the above ad hoc program be approved. The motion carried. 10. AD HOC MINOR CONCENTRATION IN LIFE SCIENCES AC-02- 78 310.1 Associate Dean Mendelson pointed out that since this was a Minor Concentration, there could be only 18 credits, so Academic Committee should consider the proposed courses, except for 528-212A. 310.2 There was some discussion about all the Science courses being at the 200-level. Associate Dean Mendelson observed that it was up to the Faculty of Arts to define the course-level requirements. The Academic Committee was essentially serving a consultative function in examining this ad hoc Minor Concentration, and should consider only whether the proposed Minor Concentration represented a coherent course of study. Associate Dean Mendelson moved, seconded by Prof. Paquette, that the above ad hoc program be considered a coherent course of study for a Minor Concentration. The motion carried. 11. PLACEMENT TESTS AC-02-56 (Revised 2)/AC-01-100 AC-02-56 (Revised 3), AC-02-56A 311.1 Associate Dean Mendelson briefly explained the reasons for reconsidering the above proposal. 311.2 Item #1 had been approved by Faculty, so it was not further considered. The other items were considered separately. 311.3 For Item #2, there was some discussion about the requirement for students to "have studied in a formal course that, except for Mathematics, included laboratory work." Some members felt that the theoretical and laboratory aspects of courses should be dealt with separately. The difficulty of departments' determining the appropriateness of laboratory components of courses was raised. Prof. Sutton moved, seconded by Prof. Baker, that Item #2 be approved. 311.4 Mr. Lewis moved, seconded by Prof. Panangaden, an amendment that Item #2 be modified to read: "Entering students who would otherwise not receive exemption from one of these courses shall be eligible to write a placement exam." A vote was held. 8 For 8 Against The Dean voted against the amendment. The amendment was defeated. 311.5 After some further discussion, Associate Dean Mendelson suggested that all entering students be allowed to write placement tests. If students passed, they would be exempted from the theoretical component of the relevant course, and would then have to provide sufficient justification to be exempted from the laboratory component. If students were not exempted from the laboratory component, they would have to take the laboratory component of the relevant McGill course. 311.6 Dean Shaver suggested that the issue be referred back to Associate Dean Mendelson to devise appropriate wording. Prof. Kakkar moved, seconded by Ms. Capling, that the issue be referred back to Associate Dean Mendelson. The motion carried. 12. PROPOSAL FOR A BACHELOR OF ARTS AND SCIENCE (BASc) DEGREE PROGRAM AC-02-79 312.1 Associate Dean Mendelson introduced the document, and gave some background information. He said that the proposal was being brought to the Faculties of Arts and Science to see if approval in principle would be achieved. If the Faculties approve the proposal in principle, detailed programs would then be brought to the Academic Committee and to the Arts Curriculum Committee for approval. 312.2 Associate Dean Mendelson answered questions. 312.3 Associate Dean Mendelson then highlighted the four types of options in the proposal. 312.4 Academic Committee members had particular problems with the proposed U3 integrative research courses. They foresaw difficulties in integrating the Arts and Science components of programs; in students possibly not being prepared sufficiently to do research in some areas; in the qualifications of faculty to advise, supervise and evaluate in fields outside their expertise; and in finding appropriate research areas and supervisors if the number of students was large. It was suggested that possibly a broad, integrative course with essays, etc., could be introduced to provide students with an alternative to the requirement for research. 312.5 Dean Shaver suggested that the Academic Committee could approve the proposal in principle, but with the qualification that the above concerns be considered when designing the actual BASc program. Associate Dean Mendelson moved, seconded by Prof. Baker, that the proposal for a BASc be approved in principle. The motion carried. 13. OTHER BUSINESS - Ad hoc Neuroscience Major Program Proposal AC-02- 80 Associate Dean Mendelson moved, seconded by Ms. Capling, that the ad hoc proposal be approved. The motion carried. There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 4:40 p.m.