AC-00-189 FACULTY OF SCIENCE ACADEMIC COMMITTEE Minutes of the meeting held on Tuesday, January 16, 2001, at 3:00 p.m. in the Arts Council Room (160). PRESENT: Dean Shaver (Chair), Associate Dean Mendelson (Vice- Chair), Professors Baines, Baker, Brawer, Farrell, Klemes, MÃ…ller-Wille, Panangaden, Paquette, Silvius, Wechsler; Associate Dean Hendershot; S. Baptista, P. Charbonneau, Alison Organek, Andrew Organek, M. Sanagan, D. Selvadurai, S. Waterston; J. D'Amico. REGRETS: Professors Cline, Leighton, Pasztor, Rasmussen; H. Waluzyniec, D. Crawford. DOCUMENTS: AC-00-167 to AC-00-188 Dean Shaver called the meeting to order at 3:03 p.m. (1) ADOPTION OF AGENDA - Four additional items to be considered under Other Business. Prof. Baines moved, seconded by Prof. Wechsler, that the modified Agenda be adopted. The motion carried. (2) MINUTES OF DECEMBER 12, 2000 AC-00-167 Prof. Brawer moved, seconded by Prof. Wechsler, that the minutes be approved. 502.1 It was noted that Prof. Panangaden had been listed as being present in the minutes of December 12, 2000, when in fact he had been absent from the meeting. The minutes were approved with the above modification. (3) BUSINESS ARISING FROM THE MINUTES - Minute 403.2, CATS Information 503.1 Associate Dean Mendelson said that timetable information was being archived. - Minute 410.1, Physics 198-200A 503.2 Associate Dean Mendelson said that this matter was still awaiting clarification. (4) REPORT ON MINOR COURSE CHANGES AC-00-168(Revised) (for information) (5) CHEMISTRY Program Changes: The reduction of 180-277 from 4 to 3 credits causes the following programs to be reduced by one credit each. - Major in Chemistry AC-00-169 - Major with Bio-Organic Option AC-00-188 - Major in Chemistry: Environmental Chemistry Option AC-00-170 - Major with Materials Option AC-00-171 - Honours in Chemistry AC-00-172 - Honours with Bio-Organic Option AC-00-173 - Honours in Chemistry: Environmental Chemistry OptionAC-00-174 - Honours with Materials Option AC-00-175 - Faculty Program in Chemistry AC-00-176 - Faculty Program in Chemistry and Mathematics AC-00-177 Prof. Farrell moved, seconded by Ms. Waterston, that the program changes be approved. The motion carried. (6) MATHEMATICS & STATISTICS - Program Changes: - Minor in Statistics AC-00-178 - Major in Mathematics AC-00-179 - Honours in Applied Mathematics AC-00-180 - Honours in Probability and Statistics AC-00-181 506.1 It was pointed out that the "or" options under required courses in the above programs, reflected the fact that one of these courses was for Major students and the other for Honours students. Associate Dean Mendelson said he would explain this to SCTP. Prof. Klemes moved, seconded by Prof. Brawer, that the program changes be approved. The motion carried. (7) GEOGRAPHY - B.A. Program changes: - Major Concentration in Geography AC-00-182 (For Information) (8) Guidelines For Class-Participation Grades 508.1 After some discussion, Dean Shaver asked Associate Dean Mendelson and Prof. Farrell to prepare a document on the issue and bring it to a future Academic Committee meeting. Secretary's Note: After the meeting, Dean Shaver asked Ms. Mary Sanagan, rather than Associate Dean Mendelson, to work with Prof. Farrell on the document. (9) Workload Involved in Course/Program Submissions AC-00-187 509.1 Associate Dean Mendelson introduced the issue, and said that SCTP was amenable to suggestions for reducing the workload. He pointed out that in Document AC-00-187, Items 1,2 and 4, would result in a reduced workload. Also, for the last item, Equivalency Courses, the Equivalent Course Table would be submitted to SCTP, thus saving units from sending their lists of equivalent courses to SCTP. As well, the revised statistics course equivalencies (Document AC-00-166) would be submitted to SCTP. 509.2 Associate Dean Mendelson said he would check with SCTP concerning exactly what was meant by a Master List of consultations (Item 3). 509.3 After some discussion, the Academic Committee decided that it should continue to receive course outlines and reading lists. (10) OTHER BUSINESS - Physiology 552-419D AC-00-183 Prof. Baines moved, seconded by Prof. Wechsler, that the changes be approved. The motion carried. - Immunology Interdepartmental Honours Program AC-00-184 Mr. Charbonneau moved, seconded by Prof. Baines, that the program changes be approved. The motion carried. - Minor Program in Biotechnology AC-00-185 Prof. Farrell moved, seconded by Mr. Organek, that the program changes be approved. The motion carried. - Standard Calculators for Faculty of Science Examinations AC-00-186 510.1 After some discussion, a member suggested that units/professors be contacted to determine their views on the issue. Associate Dean Mendelson said he would do this. The meeting adjourned at 4:40 p.m. josie\academic\ACJanMin.doc