AC-97-142 FACULTY OF SCIENCE ACADEMIC COMMITTEE Minutes of the meeting held on Tuesday, March 24, 1998, at 3:00 p.m. in the Arts Council Room (160). PRESENT: Dean Shaver (Chair), Associate Dean de Takacsy (Vice- Chair), Professors Brawer, Drury, GrÅtter, Kakkar, Lapointe (in the absence of Prof. MÅller-Wille), Paquette, Pasztor, Yau; Associate Dean Norris; E. Gibb (in the absence of Ms. H. Waluzyniec); S. Aggarwal, E. Bales-Kogan, K. Devon, and T. Samanta; J. D'Amico. REGRETS: Professors Baines, Franklin, Panangaden, Silvius, Wechsler; J. Lefebvre; D. Cowan. GUEST: Professor J. Fyles DOCUMENTS: AC-97-98(Revised), AC-97-98A AC-97-119 to AC-97-123 AC-97-125 to AC-97-141 Dean Shaver called the meeting to order at 3:06 p.m. ADDITIONS/CHANGES TO THE AGENDA - McGill School of Environment, item #10, to be considered after item #5, Ad hoc Minor in Chemistry (2). (1) RESULTS OF ELECTRONIC VOTING - FEBRUARY 10,1998 AC-97-119[Revised] (2) BUSINESS ARISING FROM THE ELECTRONIC VOTING 701/2.1 Dean Shaver said with regard to the electronic voting, that unless there were specific comments or objections to be raised, he would propose that these results be accepted at face value as bona fide motions for and passage of the resolutions. He said the reason he was being a little tentative was that there had been several votes against the Arts Minor Concentrations. Dean Shaver said that normally there would be no problem with having several negative votes in a meeting, because votes are informed by debate. In this particular case there had been no informed debate. If electronic voting was to be done again, the Faculty would try to set up a listserv so that opinions of members could easily be distributed to the whole Academic Committee. He said that the Academic Committee was still feeling its way on this issue, and it would not be done routinely, but only for simple items of business. 701/2.2 Since there were no comments or objections, Dean Shaver said that the Committee would accept the results of the electronic voting. (3) REPORT ON MINOR COURSE CHANGES AC-97-120 (for information) (4) AD HOC MINOR IN CHEMISTRY (1) AC-97-121 Prof. Brawer moved, seconded by Prof. Kakkar, that the ad hoc Minor for Ms. Amber Austin be approved. The motion carried. (5) AD HOC MINOR IN CHEMISTRY (2) AC-97-122 Mr. Aggarwal moved, seconded by Prof. Kakkar, that the ad hoc Minor for Mr. Franáois Layton be approved. The motion carried. 705.1 Since there had been a number of requests in the past for ad hoc Minor Programs in Chemistry, Associate Dean de Takacsy suggested that the Department of Chemistry formalize a Minor Program in Chemistry. He explained that a lot of administrative work was involved for ad hoc Minor programs. Formalization would also inform students that such a Minor was available, because it would be included in the Calendar. 705.2 Prof. Kakkar said he would discuss the issue with the Department of Chemistry. (10) McGILL SCHOOL OF ENVIRONMENT - Prof. J. Fyles (AC-97-139, AC-97-140) 710.1 Prof. Fyles, Chair, McGill School of Environment Curriculum Committee, explained the concept of a Domain, and answered members' questions. - BSc Major in Environment: Biodiversity and Conservation AC-97-139 Prof. GrÅtter moved, seconded by Prof. Lapointe, that the above program be adopted. The motion carried. - BA Major Concentration in Environment: Environment & Development (for information) AC-97-140 (6) ATMOSPHERIC & OCEANIC SCIENCES (IYES) AC-97-123 - Internship Programs: Major in Atmospheric Science Honours in Atmospheric Science 706.1 Dean Shaver gave a brief background regarding the Internship Programs (IYES). He said that this type of program had already been formally approved in the Department of Mathematics & Statistics, the Department of Physics, and the School of Computer Science. Prof. Yau moved, seconded by Prof. GrÅtter, that the above programs be adopted. The motion carried. (7) EARTH & PLANETARY SCIENCES Program Retirement: - Joint Major in Earth and Environmental Sciences AC-97-125 Prof. Paquette moved, seconded by Mr. Bales-Kogan, that the above joint major program be retired. The motion carried. (8) MATHEMATICS & STATISTICS (for information) BA Faculty Program Retirements: - Mathematics & Computer Science AC-97-126 - Mathematics, Statistics & Computer Science AC-97-127 - Mathematics & Philosophy AC-97-128 (9) GEOGRAPHY - B.A. Major Concentration AC-97-129 (for information) New Course: 183-498B Humans in Tropical Environments 3 credits AC-97-130,AC-97-98(Revised), AC-97-98A 709.1 In response to a question concerning Panama courses, Dean Shaver said that there was a lot of research in Panama by McGill professors, and that Panama courses were an excellent way to make a connection between that research and undergraduate education. This would be one way to differentiate McGill from other universities in Canada. Prof. Lapointe moved, seconded by Prof. Yau, that the course be adopted. The motion carried. New Course: 183-407A/B Contemporary Issues in Geography 3 credits AC-97-131 709.2 Associate Dean de Takacsy said that since 183-407A/B had not been offered for many years, and since the original course description could not be located, this course would be treated as a new course and not as a change in course description, as originally submitted by the Department of Geography. Prof. GrÅtter moved, seconded by Prof. Lapointe, that the course be adopted. The motion carried. Referred back to Department: 183-423B Human Geography of Europe's North 3 credits AC-97-132 Changes in course number from 183- 323, title, & course description. Referred back to Department: 183-323B Geography of Europe's North AC-97-133 3 credits Course retirement. 709.3 There was some discussion concerning the lack of a good reason for the change in course level. Associate Dean de Takacsy pointed out that changes in course level involve a good deal of administrative work, which he did not feel was justified in this case. Associate Dean de Takacsy moved, seconded by Prof. GrÅtter, that the issue be referred back to the Department of Geography. The motion carried. Referred back to Department: 183-381B Evolution of Geography AC-97-134 3 credits Change in course description. 709.4 Following a brief discussion regarding the wording in the proposed course description, Prof. Brawer moved, seconded by Prof. Kakkar, that the course be referred back to the Department of Geography. The motion carried. 183-491D,N Honours Reading and Research 6 credits AC-97-135 Addition of prerequisite. 183-492D,N Joint Honours Reading and Research 6 credits AC-97-136 Addition of prerequisite. Mr. Bales-Kogan moved, seconded by Prof. Lapointe, that the above changes be approved. The motion carried. 183-495C Field Studies - Physical Geography 3 credits AC-97-137 Changes in course number from 183- 395, course description, and prerequisites. Course Retirement: 183-395C Field Studies - Physical Geography 3 credits AC-97-138 Course retirement. Following Prof. Lapointe's explanation concerning the change in course level, Prof. Lapointe moved, seconded by Prof. GrÅtter, that the changes be approved. The motion carried. (11) TRANSFER CREDIT AC-97-141 711.1 Associate Dean de Takacsy introduced the above document (AC-97-141). He said there had been an increase in requests for transfer credits, and that the administration of these was becoming increasingly difficult. (12) OTHER BUSINESS There was no other business. The meeting adjourned at 4:34 p.m. f:\usr\josie\academic\acmn7jmf.doc