Student Association "PULS"

Recipients of the 2023 Alvin Shrier Award in recognition of community involvement
and a passion for community service (sponsored by PULS)

U1-Joshua Cheruvathur, U2-No Applicant, U3-No Applicant


PULS, the Physiology Undergraduate League of Students, is a group of elected and appointed members who represent their undergraduate peers in the Department of Physiology. The goals and functions of PULS are to advocate and connect students to the physiology program, professors, and the greater McGill community. Located in McIntyre Medical Building Room 1017, PULS hosts daily office hours where students are welcome to study, hang out, and use the appliances we have to offer, such as a microwave, printer, and free lab coat rentals. PULS organizes academic initiatives in the form of class note resources, Journal Clubs, and the annual Wine and Cheese to inform undergraduate students about the physiology program at McGill. PULS also hosts many social events throughout the semester with the most popular being the biweekly PHGY Fridays at the campus bar and various formal and interdepartmental events throughout the year. Students are encouraged to visit the office to get to know their council and follow our social media on Instagram and Facebook to stay up to date on our current events and initiatives!

The PULS website provides information on the council, physiology events, as well as course related materials.

PULS Council 2023-2024:

President: Phoenix Plessas-Azurduy
Vice-President: Kaelan Olney
VP Finance: Andy Bai
Co-VP Internal: Lilah Sawers
C0-VP Internal: Simone Dhingra
VP Academic: Yashar Aghazadeh Habashi
VP Athletics & Publicity: Aidan Gupta
Communications Director: Danielle Beaudry
Charity Director: Amanda Tam
Equity Commissioner: Philippe Mugford
U3 Representative: Sotiria Anna Angelopoulos
U3 Representative: Naiya Patel
U2 Representative: Sophia Cottrill
U2 Representative: Ariella Zelniker
U1 Representative: Maya Frisani
U1 Representative: Krescyn Moonsamy
IHI Representative: Daphne Jin
Biophysical Sciences Representative: Sophie Doyle
SBMS Representative: Sofia Arnet

McIntyre Medical Sciences Bldg., Room 1017


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