
Power of positive thinking skews mindfulness studies

Researchers at McGill University in Montreal, Canada, analysed 124 published trials of mindfulness as a mental-health treatment, and found that scientists reported positive findings 60% more often than is statistically likely. Scientific American

Publié: 22 Apr 2016

Canada needs to rethink energy

Op-ed cosigned by Catherine Potvin, Professor of Biology. The Toronto Star

Publié: 22 Apr 2016

L’importance du microbiote

« On est encore à l’étape des associations entre certaines maladies et certaines caractéristiques du microbiote. Dans bien des cas, la relation de cause à effet reste à prouver. » Joaquin Madrenas, Professeur,  Département de Microbiologie et Immunologie. Châtelaine

Publié: 20 Apr 2016

Kaspi finds motivation in the mysteries of the universe

“I know I was meant to do science and if you feel that way, too, then just plow through the cultural biases and express your creativity and scientific ambition.” Victoria Kaspi, Director of the McGill Space Institute. The New York Times

Publié: 20 Apr 2016

Inspiring others to get involved in philanthropy

“When you bring people together for a cause, you can do anything.” Olivia Monton, founder of Live for the Cause and completing her second bachelor’s degree in agricultural and environmental sciences. Montreal Gazette

Publié: 20 Apr 2016

Microbilles dans le Saint-Laurent: une infestation

Des chercheurs canadiens ont trouvé des microbilles dans les eaux des Grands Lacs et du Saint-Laurent. « Puisque les microbilles flottent, on a longtemps cru qu'elles étaient convoyées par les rivières et les fleuves jusqu'à l'océan.

Publié: 18 Apr 2016

Wanted: Plain talk from the lab

At McGill University, insect scientist Chris Buddle submitted one study to a journal in “more of a casual, non-jargony language, (trying) to write it in a way that’s a bit more engaging, and not the typical dry scientific writing.” All but a few sentences were rejected, he says.

Publié: 18 Apr 2016

Health solutions for Attawapiskat must be long-term

Laurence Kirmayer, founder and director of the Network for Aboriginal Mental Health Research at McGill University in Montreal, says crisis counselling and other supportive interventions are critical for stopping this so-called “suicide contagion.” The Globe and Mail

Publié: 18 Apr 2016

Quand le loonie fait un régime

Comme l’explique Chris Ragan, professeur à l’Université McGill, « le Canada a été un pays net exportateur de matières premières depuis plus de cent ans car le pays est assis sur une quantité astronomique de matières premières et cela n’est pas prêt de changer ». Agora Vox

Publié: 14 Apr 2016

Leaders, consider your introverts

 “The research I’ve done shows that about 25 to 30 percent of CEOs are introverts,” explains Karl Moore, associate professor of strategy and organization at Desautels Faculty of Management at McGill University. The Economist

Publié: 14 Apr 2016

Why Canada had so many UFO sightings last year

“It would be very arrogant to think that we're the only species of life in the universe. The universe contains billions of stars, so statistically, it's unlikely [we're alone]. But it's also not likely that we've been visited by extraterrestrials because of the distances involved.” Dr. Joe Schwarcz, Director of the Office of Science and Society.

Publié: 14 Apr 2016

Stress post-traumatique: Réponse médicale au terrorisme

Psychologue clinicien réputé, le canadien Alain Brunet, professeur à l'Université McGill, travaille depuis plus de 20 ans sur les événements traumatiques. En collaboration avec les hôpitaux de Paris (APHP), il vient de lancer un programme ambitieux pour traiter les victimes des attentats terroristes du 13 novembre. Entretien. L'Express

Publié: 13 Apr 2016

Attawapiskat desperate to stop suicide pandemic

Dr. Laurence Kirmayer, co-director of the Network for Aboriginal Mental Health Research, and director of the division of social and transcultural psychiatry, is a guest on CBC’s The Current. CBC Radio

Publié: 13 Apr 2016

Citizens, not celebrities, must sway anti-LGBT policies

Op-ed by Molly Sauter, PhD candidate at McGill. The Globe and Mail

Publié: 13 Apr 2016

Grad students plan to enhance Ticketmaster’s business

For those who may not know, every year the MIT Sloan Sports Analytics Conference holds the First Pitch Case Competition. This year’s winning team came from the Desautels Faculty of Management at McGill University. Sport Techie

Publié: 12 Apr 2016


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