
The Montreal Health Equity Research Consortium (MHERC) is a multidisciplinary research consortium directed by Nicholas B. King and Daniel Weinstock. It is funded by a 5-year, $1.7 million Canadian Institutes of Health Research Programmatic Grant in Health and Health Equity.

MHERC consists of multiple projects directed by 6 faculty and 3 postdoctoral fellows at McGill University and the Université de Montréal. It has two main objectives:

Ethical Frameworks

What are the conceptual and ethical dilemmas underlying research in the social determinants of health? Drawing on methods from philosophy, epidemiology, and behavioral psychology, MHERC’s researchers identify and investigate novel ethical frameworks to guide public policy and public health interventions that address health equity.

Impacts of Policy on Health Equity

How do particular policies, measurement strategies, framing effects, prioritization schemes, and public health interventions impact health and health equity? MHERC’s researchers explore the ethical implications of health inequalities research, health policies, and public health interventions. Our goal is to produce policy-relevant academic work, as well as policy briefs aimed at population health professionals and policymakers.

We are always on the lookout for and happy to hear from potential collaborators and students. Feel free to contact us any time!

MHERC is funded by Canadian Institutes of Health Research

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