


Past Events

May 10th 2019 : The first  Innovation Incubator on May 10th !

We were thrilled to welcome our keynote speaker Joerg Bewersdorf from Yale University. Joerg is a Professor of Cell Biology and Biomedical Engineering who is specialized in super resolution imaging.

  Details and schedule can be found here.


Congratulations to our Oral presentation winners Loic Chaubet (Hendricks lab), Claire Edrington (Brouhard lab) and Baljoyt Parmar (Weber lab) !


Feb, 25th 2019 : The Molecular and Cellular Biophysics Center was launched on Feb, 25th 2019 with a Keynote  Lecture by  Rob Phillips from Caltech, followed by a reception

Find Pictures of the events on our Facebook page !


More than 200 students, post-docs and profs attended this event.




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