BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-// iCalcreator 2.20.4// BEGIN:VEVENT UID:20240512T015730EDT-9449XoHubb@ DTSTAMP:20240512T055730Z DESCRIPTION:Le régime international de l’arbitrage investisseur-état a fait objet de plusieurs critiques quant à sa partialité présumée envers les in vestisseurs. Venez entendre des experts se prononcer sur ces critiques. L a Société d’arbitrage de McGill accueille Simon Lester\, analyste en polit ique commercial au Herbert A. Stiefel Center for Trade Policy Studies du C ato Institute\, et Luke Eric Peterson\, rédacteur en chef du Investment Ar bitration Reporter\, qui offriront leurs perspectives sur la partialité en vers les investisseurs et l’état actuel de l’arbitrage investisseur-état. La discussion sera modérée par le professeur Fabien Gélinas de l’Universi té McGill. Une demande d'accréditation a été déposée auprès du Barreau du Québec. RSVP à mcgill [at] Les panélistes (en an glais seulement) Simon Lester is a trade policy analyst with Cato Institu te’s Herbert A. Stiefel Center for Trade Policy Studies. Before joining Ca to\, he worked for the trade law practice of a Washington\, D.C. law firm\ , and also as a Legal Affairs Officer at the Appellate Body Secretariat of the World Trade Organization. In 2001\, he founded the international trad e law web site His work has appeared in such publicatio ns as the Stanford Journal of International Law\, the George Washington In ternational Law Review and the Journal of World Trade. He has taught cours es on international trade law at American University’s Washington College of Law and the University of Michigan Law School. He has a J.D. from Harva rd Law School and has been a member of the D.C. Bar since 1996. Luke Eric Peterson is the editor of Investment Arbitration Reporter\, a news and an alysis service focusing on international arbitrations between foreign inve stors and their host governments. He has more than a decade of experience tracking and analyzing the international legal and policy regime governing foreign direct investment. He has reported on investment arbitration clai ms for various media outlets and has conducted specialized research on the foreign investment regime for several agencies of the United Nations (UND P\, UNCTAD) and for a number of other non-governmental research organizati ons. His work has also appeared in academic and practitioner journals such as the ICSID Review\, Stockholm International Arbitration Review\, and Ar bitration International. Fabien Gélinas teaches and conducts research in the areas of international dispute resolution\, constitutional law and leg al theory. Formerly General Counsel of the International Court of Arbitrat ion of the International Chamber of Commerce\, he is a member of the Quebe c Bar (1990) and acts as arbitrator and as consultant on dispute resolutio n and legal reform. DTSTART:20130409T220000Z DTEND:20130409T233000Z LOCATION:Tribunal-école Maxwell-Cohen (Salle 100)\, Pavillon Chancellor-Day \, CA\, QC\, Montréal\, H3A 1W9\, 3644\, rue Peel SUMMARY:Biais? Une discussion autour de la partialité envers les investisse urs dans l’arbitrage investisseur-état URL: -de-la-partialit%C3%A9-envers-les-investisseurs-dans-l%E2%80%99arbitrag END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR