HCIC Surveys

The Health Care in Canada (HCIC) survey partnership, with its 13 surveys, has collected data for two decades on how the Canadian public and health professionals perceive the state of our health care system. This has allowed trending of major strengths and concerns about our health system, as well as what doctors, nurses, pharmacists, administrators and patients and their family caregivers identify as the major opportunities for improvement in quality, accessibility and affordability. For 2018, new questions on a national Pharmacare program, including the most preferred leadership to effectively implicate this innovation to Medicare, as well as continuing assessment of the causes and cures for less than perfect adherence to prescribed medications. Survey data, owned by Merck Canada Inc., are housed at McGill and available for use in further analysis by submitting a data request. The most recent findings and past results can be accessed by clicking on the appropriate year.

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