Manometry 24 hr pH



TEL: (514) 934-1934 LOC: 43906

Esophageal Motility Test and 24 Hour pH Test

The oesophageal motility test and the 24 hour pH are test that permit the gastroenterologist to evaluate your symptoms (stomach burn, chest or epigastric pain, and swallowing difficulties). These symptoms are often related to problems in the oesophagus area.

Esophageal Motility

The nurse will spray a medication in your nose that will freeze your nose and throat. She will then slip a small plastic tube in your nose, she might ask you to swallow small sips of water, this will help the tube to go down to a certain area of the oesophagus. When the tube is in the proper location, the nurse will then be ready to start the actual test. The steps mentioned up to now, will have only taken a few minutes! The actual testing will begin at this point. During the test, the nurse will inject with a syringe a small amount of water in your mouth and she will ask you to swallow it several times. She will repeat this step several times. During this time, special equipment will be registering the pressure and movement in your oesophagus. The movement in your oesophagus is called PERISTALSIS. The results registered will guide the specialist to diagnose your health problem. You will be lying down through the whole test. Please let us know in advance if you have back problems or difficulties being in this position that could cause you discomfort during the test. This test will last 30 to 45 minutes.

24 Hour pH

This test is to help us measure the level of acidity in your esophagus. It is usually done after the oesophageal motility test.

The nurse inserts a small plastic tube in your nose, this one is smaller than the one used for the motility test. She will insert it slowly down your oesophagus. The tube will then be connected to a monitor (small computer) that you will carry for the next 24 hours. The nurse will explain the diet that you will need to follow and what you will need to write in your journal. You will return the next day to have the tube and monitor removed.


There is few risks associated to these tests, they are: throat or nose irritation and rarely nose bleeding. Do not hesitate to ask questions, this can alleviate your fears and decrease your anxiety level during your test.

Medications that you must STOP taking 2 weeks before the test.

Date stopped:
Medications that you must STOP taking 3 days before the test.

Date stopped:
Medications that you must STOP taking 24 hours before the test.

Date stopped:
Losec (Omeprazole)
Nexium (Esomeprasole)
Pantoloc (Pantoprazole)
Pariet (Rabeprasole)
Prevacid (Lansoprasole)
Tagamet (Cimetidine)
Zantac (Ranitidine)
Verify which medication you need to stop with your own doctor

Ie blood thinners


You must inform us, if

  • You are diabetic
  • You must be fasting from midnight the day before.
  • On the day of the test present yourself at local D7-102 (7th floor) with your hospital card. If you do not have a hospital card, please obtain it first at local B1-121 (1st floor, admitting office).
  • If you are unable to come to your appointment, please notify us as soon as possible.

Gastroenterology Department
Local D7-102
Tel: 514 934-1934 ext: 43906

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