
Rèquiem pels plans estratègics

El 3 de febrer passat, Gas Natural Fenosa va presentar els resultats de l'exercici 2015 i va aprofitar per fer balanç del pla estratègic 2013-2015 en uns termes molt satisfactoris per l'assoliment dels objectius marcats. Tanmateix, la reacció dels mercats va ser negativa i els dies successius el preu de les accions va anar a la baixa.

Published: 9 May 2016

Why Canada should be happy with Bombardier under family control

Karl Moore is an associate professor at the Desautels Faculty of Management, McGill University, and an associate fellow at Green Templeton College, Oxford University. He is a long-time observer of the aviation industry and Bombardier.

Last week was big for Bombardier and the C Series, with a major order from Delta Air Lines. The question now is whether the federal government should financially support the company.

Published: 6 May 2016

Le sabreur Joseph Polossifakis obtient son billet pour Rio

ESCRIME. Joseph Polossifakis rêvait depuis 14 ans à une participation aux Jeux olympiques. Son souhait deviendra réalité cet été à Rio.

Le sabreur a mérité sa qualification olympique en obtenant récemment une 39e place au Grand Prix de Séoul, en Corée du Sud.

Published: 6 May 2016

Enough Of Hockey Nightmare In Canada

Please read this one evening, during Hockey Night in America, when you have nothing to do. That no Canadian team made the playoffs this year may be a random occurrence. That none has won a Stanley Cup for 23 years is not. Something is up -- or down.

Published: 6 May 2016

DESJARDINS - Le mouvement renforce son bureau de représentation en Europe

Le mouvement Desjardins, premier groupe financier coopératif au Canada, renforce son équipe au sein du bureau de représentation européen basé à Paris, avec la nomination de Rémy Paris. 

Published: 5 May 2016

Le succès de Juliette, la femme derrière le chocolat

Un moment en compagnie de Juliette Brun — la fameuse Juliette derrière Juliette et Chocolat — suffit à tout comprendre; le succès amplement mérité, le travail acharné, la passion, la gourmandise (pour le chocolat et pour la vie en générale), l'optimisme, la joie de vivre et la vision. Tel son produit fétiche qu'elle affectionne tant, la femme d'affaires se veut solide, douce, originale et réconfortante. 

Published: 5 May 2016

Transcript: The difference between strategy and leadership

Professor Karl Moore of the Desautels Faculty of Management at McGill University with Talking Management for The Globe and Mail, talks with Mike Useem, a professor at the Wharton School.

Published: 4 May 2016


Le marché des microbrasseries a beau être de plus en plus encombré, cela n’empêche pas des investisseurs privés et des institutions publiques de continuer à se bousculer au portillon.

Published: 3 May 2016

Les absents (aux rendez-vous) ont tort

Lorsque je faisais mes premiers stages de médecine à l'hôpital, il y a plus de quinze ans, j'avais été surpris et indigné de constater que des rendez-vous de patients étaient programmés à la même heure ou à des intervalles de 15 minutes ou moins, alors que les consultations pouvaient durer en moyenne 20 à 25 minutes.

Published: 3 May 2016

The Soulful Economy

Today the millennial generation, which comprises close to 90M people in NA, as well as many baby boomers, is demanding a change in the manner in which they interact with the world around them. The money they spend has to have an added benefit to their surroundings and exemplify a set of core values, which respect the vision of the world they wish to live in and help mold.

Published: 3 May 2016

Want to Improve Diversity? Look to Networks

Industry-leading tech companies recruit heavily from the most selective colleges and universities in the U.S., so is it any wonder that their employees lack diversity?

Published: 3 May 2016

‘Up until recently I was a rock star’s agent, now I’m a true CEO’: Cirque du Soleil’s Daniel Lamarre

Daniel Lamarre, 62, is the president and chief executive officer of Montreal-based Cirque du Soleil, which has about 4,000 employees working on more than 20 shows in about 50 countries.

Lamarre was born and raised in Grand-Mere, Quebec, about 170 kilometres northeast of Montreal. He earned a Bachelor of Arts from the University of Ottawa, which later honoured him with a doctorate.

Published: 3 May 2016

Obituary: Michal Hornstein was one of city's most renowned philanthropists

As a young man in Poland, Michal Hornstein was arrested by the Nazis and set to be deported to Auschwitz, the notorious death camp where thousands were executed during the Holocaust.

But Hornstein evaded his captors by jumping from a train and hiding in the forests of Czechoslovakia. Of the 70 people who tried to escape the Nazis on that day in 1943, only seven survived.

Published: 28 Apr 2016

McGill business students focus on helping Syrian refugees

Every semester, McGill University faculty lecturer Anita Nowak challenges her students to come up with projects for her social entrepreneurship and social innovation class based on a theme that she finds particularly timely and relevant.

For this semester, it was helping Syrian refugees integrate into Canadian society.

Published: 28 Apr 2016

Why Valeant Pharmaceuticals International’s new CEO may signal a shift from ‘disruptor’ to ‘plain vanilla’

 Less than a year ago Valeant Pharmaceuticals International Inc.’s CEO Michael Pearson represented a disruption to big pharma by coming from outside the industry, using aggressive acquisitions and strategic business tactics to grow the company to a global giant.  

Published: 28 Apr 2016


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