De plus en plus de consommateurs se tournent vers des substituts aux protéines provenant de la viande, entre autres les protéines de sources végétales. [...] Pascal Thériault, agroéconomiste à l'Université McGill, nous parle des changements à prévoir dans le monde agricole en matière de cultures et aussi en matière d'élevages.


Classified as: legumes, protein
Published on: 28 Feb 2018

Dozens of McGill researchers will participate in two of the five “superclusters” announced Thursday, Feb. 15, by the federal government and funded under its Innovation Superclusters Initiative.

Classified as: supercluster, Research, grains, protein
Published on: 19 Feb 2018

McGill researchers have identified two proteins that work together to drive neuroinflammation in acute conditions such as microbial or autoimmune encephalitis, and in chronic conditions such as multiple sclerosis. 

Classified as: immunology, protein, inflammatory disease, immune cells
Published on: 11 Oct 2016

As part of a new venture in the Moitessier research group, recent Ph.D graduate, Josh Pottel, has delved into developing software to guide protein engineering. Computers can be used to simulate the shape and function of a protein or enzyme, but need the correct tools to be able to create accurate models. An initial platform for generating and applying new side-chain (rotamer) libraries has shown promise as the foundation for a biocatalysis prediction software.

Classified as: Research, protein, computation
Published on: 9 Jan 2016

The brain is a privileged organ in the body. So vital to life, the brain is protected from alterations elsewhere in the body by a highly regulated gateway known as the blood-brain barrier, which allows only selected molecules to pass through.

Classified as: brain, Research, Multiple Sclerosis, MS, protein, mice, animal, BBB, blood-brain barrier, sclerosis
Published on: 22 Apr 2015

Research opens door to new drug therapies for Parkinson’s disease

Classified as: brain, genetic, mitochondria, Parkinson's, neurological disease, McGill, drugs, Ted Fon, Montreal Neurological Institute and Hospital, Kalle Gehring, protein
Published on: 9 May 2013
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