Les conditions météorologiques, les grands vents et les parasites peuvent abîmer les cultures jusqu’à coucher les tiges au sol. On parle alors de la verse des plants. De la reproduction à la croissance en passant par la résistance aux intempéries ou aux chocs, c’est à l’échelle microscopique que se joue le développement des plantes et des produits agricoles.

Classified as: parasites, plant resistance
Published on: 21 Nov 2019

Learning from others and innovation have undoubtedly helped advance civilization. But these behaviours can carry costs as well as benefits. And a new study by an international team of evolutionary biologists sheds light on how one particular cost – increased exposure to parasites – may affect cultural evolution in non-human primates.

Classified as: Biology, evolution, innovation, parasites, exploratory, human culture, primates, Royal Society B, Simon Reader, chimpanzees
Published on: 3 Dec 2014

In the developing world, Cryptosporidium parvum has long been the scourge of freshwater. A decade ago, it announced its presence in the United States, infecting over 400,000 people – the largest waterborne-disease outbreak in the county’s history. Its rapid ability to spread, combined with an incredible resilience to water decontamination techniques, such as chlorination, led the National Institutes of Health (NIH) in the United Sates to add C. parvum to its list of public bioterrorism agents. Currently, there are no reliable treatments for cryptosporidiosis, the disease caused by C. parvum, but that may be about to change with the identification of a target molecule by investigators at the Research Institute of the McGill University Health Centre (RI-MUHC).

Classified as: parasites
Published on: 28 Nov 2013
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