The causes of psychiatric disorders are poorly understood. Now, in work led by researchers at McGill University, there is evidence that a wide range of early onset psychiatric problems (from depression, anxiety and addictions to dyslexia, bulimia, and ADHD) may be largely due to the combination of just three factors. The first is biological—in the form of individual variability in the brain’s dopamine reward pathway. The second is social—and points to the important role of early childhood neglect or abuse.

Classified as: Department of Psychiatry, Marco Leyton, Mental Illness, dopamine
Published on: 8 Dec 2021

Canadians spend big money dealing with the consequences of homelessness, but the money spent could be far more effective. According to a new McGill-led analysis, housing homeless people with severe mental illness is even more cost-effective than housing homeless people with moderate needs. A Housing-First strategy aimed at helping these individuals regain and keep permanent housing generates savings equal to about two-thirds of its cost.

Classified as: Housing First, housing, homeless, homelessness, Mental Illness, community, treatment, Eric Latimer
Published on: 25 Aug 2020

Rob Whitley, Assistant Professor, Department of Psychiatry, McGill University

Classified as: suicide prevention day, suicide, Mental Illness, Douglas Mental Health Institute, rob whitley, daniel almeida
Published on: 5 Sep 2018

To read more about what Dr. Rob Whitley has to say about the misconception that people with mental illness are prone to violence, please visit the following link:


Classified as: Mental Illness, psychiatry in the news, myth, misconception
Published on: 25 Aug 2015

Annoucement from the Program Office

Dear Residents and Faculty,

Classified as: Mental Illness, Psychiatry, residency, Melissa Pickles
Published on: 9 Oct 2014
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