Today the millennial generation, which comprises close to 90M people in NA, as well as many baby boomers, is demanding a change in the manner in which they interact with the world around them. The money they spend has to have an added benefit to their surroundings and exemplify a set of core values, which respect the vision of the world they wish to live in and help mold. There is a movement to return to the experience of community, both physical, and virtual, where shared values will be the common bond.

Classified as: EMBA, Joey Adler
Published on: 3 May 2016

Venice Beach, long known for its surfing culture, is now home to a new food product inspired by those who ride the waves: Carve Bar. The company launched in mid-March and is currently selling its first product, a chocolate chip cookie dough protein bar, on its website. Manufactured in Oakland, two more flavors of the Carve Bar are on the horizon, as is mass distribution in Southern California.

Classified as: Joey Adler
Published on: 8 Apr 2016

Le Défi 100 jours tire à sa fin pour les leaders et les participantes de L’effet A. Afin de donner un dernier petit coup de fouet à l’ambition des filles qui se préparent pour l’ultime étape de leur parcours, Diane Giard a prévu une rencontre inspirante avec une femme d’affaires et philanthrope reconnue venue de Los Angeles. Tout juste descendue de l’avion, Joey Adler, à qui l’on doit le succès canadien de la célèbre marque de vêtement Diesel, s’est donc adressée aux participantes.

Classified as: EMBA Alumni, Joey Adler
Published on: 18 Dec 2015
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