Canada’s global health role: supporting equity and global
citizenship as a middle power.
An article by Stephanie A Nixon, Kelley Lee, Zulfiqar A Bhutta, James Blanchard, Slim Haddad, Steven J Hoffman, Peter Tugwell

Link to article here.

Classified as: global health rehabilitation, rehabilitation, Global Health
Published on: 12 Mar 2018

Dr. Julia von Oettingen of Endocrinology, Assistant Professor in the Department of pediatrics, has been selected as one of this year’s recipients of the 2017-2018 Dr. Donald A. Henderson Prize for Outstanding Global Health Research from the McGill Global Health Programs for her publication titled “Population Survey of Iodine Deficiency and Environmental Disruptors of Thyroid Function in Young Children in Haiti”. 

Classified as: pediatrics, Global Health
Published on: 25 Oct 2017

Stephen Clarke, Jessica Barudin, Matthew Hunt. (2016). Community Based Rehabilitation and Ethics: Eight Ethical Questions Arising from a Review of the Literature. Physiotherapy Canada. 68(2):197-205.

Link to article here.

Classified as: Global Health, rehabilitation, global health rehabilitation
Published on: 4 Feb 2017

This article points to the importance of not only structural features of whole-of-government approaches for NCD control but also the institutional culture and entrenched political and economic interests.

For more information and the article, see here.

Classified as: Global Health, Global Health Politics and Governance, GHRI
Published on: 4 Feb 2017

The McGill Global Health Programs latest newsletter is out! Inside, read about global health-related courses you can take this semester and what we are planning for 2016 and more!

Read the latest issue here!

Subscribe here.

Find past issues here.

Classified as: news, Newsletter, Global Health
Published on: 7 Jan 2016

The McGill Global Health Programs latest newsletter is out! Inside, read about Arnold Steinberg, what we are planning for 2016 and more upcoming opportunities and events!

Read the latest issue here!

Subscribe here.

Find past issues here.

Classified as: news, Newsletter, Global Health, Steinberg
Published on: 17 Dec 2015

Stephanie Nixon and Matthew Hunt editorial; Global Health: Where do physiotherapy and rehabilitation research fit? " Physiotherapy Canada, 67(3), pp. 217–218

For more information about the Article, click here.

Classified as: Global Health, Global Health Education, globalrehab
Published on: 14 Dec 2015

Matthew Hunt & colleagues' new study on perceptions of disability in the 2010 Haiti earthquake response.

Hunt, M. R., Chung, R., Durocher, E., & Henrys, J. H. (2015). Haitian and international responders' and decision-makers' perspectives regarding disability and the response to the 2010 Haiti earthquake. Global health action, 8.

Classified as: Global Health, Global Health Education, Global Health Politics and Governance
Published on: 11 Dec 2015

The McGill Global Health Programs latest newsletter is out! Inside, read about World AIDS Day, the 2016 Summer Institute and more upcoming opportunities and events!

Read the latest issue here!

Subscribe here.

Find past issues here.

Classified as: news, AIDS, Newsletter, Global Health, Summer Institute
Published on: 10 Dec 2015

The McGill Global Health Programs latest newsletter has just been released! Inside, find a preview of our upcoming funding opportunities, events and more!

Read the latest issue here!

Subscribe here.

Find past issues here.


Classified as: Global Health, news, Newsletter
Published on: 4 Sep 2015

In the past few weeks, McGill researchers have published several papers on a variety of global health topics.

Here are a few of them:

The Development of a Humanitarian Health Ethics Analysis Tool. Prehospital and Disaster Medicine, June 11 2015: School of Physical and Occupational Therapy,and Centre for Interdisciplinary Research in Rehabilitation Professor Matthew Hunt has collaborated in the development and validation of an ethical analysis tool for humanitarian health workers.

Classified as: news, TB, Global Health
Published on: 11 Jun 2015

For the first time, the Postgraduate Medical Education (PGME) program and McGill Global Health Programs are distributing travel awards to medical residents! Without further due, here are our first cohort of winners.

  • Ipshita Prakash
  • Michael Fein
  • Elise Vuille-Lessard
  • Evan Wong
  • Fadi Hamdani
  • Han Yao
  • Jessica Keen
  • Kristin Popiel

Congratulations to the awardees and to all applicants!

Classified as: Awards, news, medicine, Research, international, Global Health
Published on: 11 Jun 2015

Congratulations to our Spring Travel Awards winners!

Medical Class of '84 Student Bursary: Tina Madzima

Medical Class of '65 Student Bursary: Alexandre Dostaler

Ashworth Student Travel Award: Esther Vaugon and Jonathan Morasse

Osler Medical Aid Foundation Scholarships: Annie Lalande and Collins Oghor

Ambassador Paul Frazer Travel Award for Global Health: Vanessa Brombosz and Danielle Cazabon

Classified as: Awards, news, students, Global Health
Published on: 3 Jun 2015

You can now find research teams and individual faculty members more easily in our NEW Research and Training section. In addition McGill-based Global Health team can apply for funding! Learn more here.

Classified as: Research, training, faculty, Global Health, website, Update
Published on: 15 Apr 2015


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