What regulations are at play when financial institutions, hedge funds, mutual fund managers, and others invest in stocks and businesses in another country—and who do those regulations ultimately benefit? Despite protecting both foreign investors and countries’ domestic markets, regulatory constraints still present certain barriers to foreign investment, especially in times of market stress, inflation, and increased interest rates. What level of risk will foreign investors take today in the name of diversification of their portfolios?

Classified as: delve, Thought Leadership, Francesca Carrieri, Finance (T)
Published on: 14 Oct 2022

Authors: A. Akbari, Francesca Carrieri and A. Malkhozov

Publication: The Review of Financial Studies, Volume 35, Issue 1, January 2022, Pages 394–437


Classified as: Francesca Carrieri, Finance (T), Desautels 22
Published on: 23 Mar 2022

Following the release of the American Economic Association’s survey results revealing the predominance of discrimination against women in the world of finance, Professor Francesca Carrieri affirms that the findings are not surprising.

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Classified as: Francesca Carrieri, finance, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion, Sustainability, Sustainability (R)
Published on: 26 Mar 2019

With the release of Italy’s new budget law, Professor Francesca Carrieri explores the current state of the country’s economy, emphasizing that any economic growth must come with structural reform to ensure sustainability.

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Classified as: Francesca Carrieri, finance, Sustainability, Sustainability (R)
Published on: 7 Nov 2018

Professor Francesca Carrieri sits down with La Presse to talk about the hurdles that women in finance still face and the initiatives in place at the Desautels Faculty of Management to improve this reality.

For example, the Faculty has launched a task force that aims to show undergraduate women that a career in finance is indeed a viable path through mentorship and internship opportunities.

Classified as: Francesca Carrieri, finance, Sustainability, Sustainability (R)
Published on: 8 Mar 2018

This time, they’re ahead of the curve.

When major events rock the business world, business schools often review their curriculum to see how, if at all, they can adapt to the changes taking place in the private sector.

... So says Francesca Carrieri, professor of finance at McGill’s Desautels Faculty of Management, who believes the Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA), will be a positive game-changer for Canadian business, and is unlikely to have the same number of vocal detractors NAFTA did.

Classified as: Francesca Carrieri
Published on: 2 Dec 2013

Authors: Carrieri, Francesca; Chaieb, Ines; Errunza, Vihang

Publication: Review of Financial Studies, 2013


Classified as: Vihang Errunza, Francesca Carrieri
Published on: 26 Apr 2013
Classified as: Francesca Carrieri
Published on: 10 Feb 2006
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