McGill Newsroom

McGill-led discovery could help fight obesity, metabolic disorders

Researchers have uncovered a new molecular pathway for stimulating the body to burn fat – a discovery that could help fight obesity, diabetes and cardiovascular disease.

Classified as: metabolism, obesity, Canadian Institutes of Health Research, Fat, science and technology, body fat, metabolic disorders, folliculin, Kidney Foundation of Canada, Fonds de Recherche du Québec–Santé
Published on: 16 May 2016


Supplement given during first year of life critical for muscle-mass development

A healthy intake of vitamin D in the first year of life appears to set children up to have more muscle mass and less body fat as toddlers, according to a new study published in the journal Pediatric Obesity.

The findings emerged from research initially aimed at confirming the importance of vitamin D for bone density. The additional benefit in terms of body composition came as a surprise for the research team.

Classified as: McGill University, obesity, vitamin D, Fat, bone density, School of Dietetics and Human Nutrition, Hope Weiler, toddlers, muscle mass, body composition, Mary Emily Clinical Nutrition Research Unit
Published on: 2 May 2016

By Fergus Grieve, McGill Newsroom

Supplement given during first year of life critical for muscle-mass development

A healthy intake of vitamin D in the first year of life appears to set children up to have more muscle mass and less body fat as toddlers, according to a new study published in the journal Pediatric Obesity.

Classified as: McGill University, vitamin D, Fat, bone density, health and lifestyle, Hope Weiler, toddlers, pediatric obesity, muscle mass, body composition
Published on: 2 May 2016

By Katherine Gombay, McGill Newsroom

If you’re fat, can you blame it on your genes? The answer is a qualified yes. Maybe. Under certain circumstances. Researchers are moving towards a better understanding of some of the roots of obesity.

Classified as: food, obesity, health, Laurette Dube, genes, income, eating habits, Fat, health and lifestyle, food and sustainability, skinny, healthy food, wealth, MAVAN birth cohort, JAMA Pediatrics
Published on: 9 Feb 2016
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