As someone charged with managing public relations for McDonald's Canada, Jason Patuano often gets the question: "Just what is in your hamburgers?" The answer, that the burgers are made only of beef, may surprise some, as rumours have persisted for years about the makeup of McDonald's burgers.

Published on: 6 Jun 2012

Scientific studies show it is never too late to learn new skills such as playing a musical instrument or speaking a language if you use the right techniques, writes psychologist Gary Marcus…

Published on: 6 Jun 2012

The gap in life expectancy between black and white Americans is smaller than it has ever been, thanks largely to a decline in the number of deaths resulting from heart disease and HIV infection, a new analysis has found. That's the good news.

Published on: 5 Jun 2012

Un concours saluant les femmes qui oeuvrent dans des métiers masculins. Étudiante en génie mécanique à l’Université McGill, la LaSalloise Geneviève Lalande est une lauréate nationale du concours Chapeau, les filles!

Published on: 5 Jun 2012

(Op-ed - As they prepare to deal with renewed democratic challenges, Tehran's rulers are taking note of how the world responds to Syria's Assad regime, say [McGill's] Payam Akhavan and Shirin Ebadi): The massacre of 108 civilians in Houla on May 25 is but one instance of a wider Syrian policy of terror that has claimed more than 10,000 innocent lives.

Published on: 5 Jun 2012

Her gold medals measure in the hundreds, and she has penned her name to more track and field world records than Usain Bolt. Olga Kotelko is one of Canada's most accomplished track and field athletes. And at 93 years old, she's hurling hammers and leaping into long jump pits at an age that most of us simply hope to see.

Published on: 4 Jun 2012

Une chorégraphie exceptionnelle, qui ne se reproduira que dans 105 ans et demi, sera visible dans le ciel le 5 juin prochain à partir de 18 h. Les interprètes de ce ballet céleste, appelé « passage de Vénus », seront le Soleil et la brillante Vénus.

Published on: 2 Jun 2012

For anyone to speak out openly and honestly about their struggle with mental illness is an act of bravery. According to a new study of Canadian media coverage of mental illness, journalists rarely quote individuals with mental illness. The study, "Together Against Stigma: Changing how we see mental illness," will be presented Monday at an international conference in Ottawa.

Published on: 1 Jun 2012

In the age of instant Internet fame, everyone can entertain dreams of becoming a celebrity — but some people think they’re actually trapped inside a reality show and can’t escape. A stunning new report details the stories of five patients who display signs of what a pair of scientists have dubbed the “The Truman Show delusion.”

Published on: 1 Jun 2012

Les fibres musculaires du coeur sont assemblées en hélices pour donner un maximum d'efficacité lors des contractions du muscle, a découvert une équipe internationale de scientifiques à laquelle ont participé des chercheurs de l'Université McGill.

Published on: 30 May 2012

Those of us living in metropolitan areas don't think twice about our ease of access to medical care, but those in rural areas don't enjoy such easy access to a doctor.

Published on: 29 May 2012

Scientists think of these annoying sound segments as "ear worms." They don't yet know much about why they happen, but research is making headway on what's going on.

Published on: 28 May 2012

The OraQuick In-Home HIV Test was recently approved by the FDA advisory committee for sale over the counter. FDA regulators will take a decision in a few months' time. The committee felt that the benefits of the oral swab test far outweigh the risks of false positive and false negative test results.

Published on: 24 May 2012

World-renowned affordable housing expert Avi Friedman doesn’t like to refer directly to the communities where he gives his highly entertaining and informative talks. Yet when he spoke at a recent affordable housing forum in Kingston, one couldn’t help but wonder: Is he talking about us?

Published on: 24 May 2012

Les policiers ne sont plus les seuls à s’attaquer au fléau des vols de vélos. Des chercheurs de l’Université McGill tiennent actuellement un sondage en ligne en vue d’avoir un juste portrait de ce problème majeur dans la métropole.

Published on: 23 May 2012


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