
Henry Mintzberg - Thinkers 50 List

Published: 16 October 2009

Desautels faculty's Henry Mintzberg has been named to the Thinkers 50 list - a biennial ranking of business gurus. He is ranked 33rd.

Globe and Mail, October 15, 2009

There is more to Henry Mintzberg than strategy. Witness his latest book: Why I Hate Flying, a brilliantly sardonic look at management in the airline industry. Next in line is a book exploring management education, one of Mintzberg’s longest held bugbears. Indeed, as befits an iconoclast, a common theme throughout Mintzberg’s career has been a willingness to bite the hand that feeds him. For a man employed by two business schools – Montreal’s McGill and France’s INSEAD – he has proved a relentless thorn in the side of conventional b-school education. The fruit of his dissatisfaction was the International Masters Program in Management, a thoroughly global program which encourages managers to break free of the limitations of functional, and other, perspectives.

The Thinkers 50: The definitive listing of the world's top 50 business thinkers


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