
Canadian Entrepreneurs: Born or Made?

Published: 6 May 2013

As the chief financial officer of a start-up company, Kevin Fan has learned a thing or two about cash management.
Never count the money while people are talking to you, for example.

Wise advice – from a 12-year-old.

Kevin is a Grade 6 student at Ottawa’s Knoxdale Public School in west-end Ottawa. He and his class have spent the past four months launching a company as part of Entrepreneurial Adventure, a hands-on program that exposes 3,000 Canadian kids a year to the world of business.

... Many business schools, including McGill University and the University of Toronto, now offer special entrepreneurship programs.

Some of the key attributes of successful entrepreneurs – creativity, optimism and daring – may be innate. But schools can certainly channel students and create environments where it’s safe to try, and fail.

Read full article: The Globe and Mail, May 5, 2013

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