
Round Table on Legal Education - "Foundations of a cosmopolitan legal education"

Thursday, September 27, 2007toFriday, September 28, 2007
Chancellor Day Hall 3644 rue Peel, Montreal, QC, H3A 1W9, CA
Many law faculties in North America and Europe are faced with the need to reinvent the teaching of law, driven in large measure by the notion – real or imagined – that social, economic and political globalization is transforming ideas of law. In Europe, in particular, networks are developing to address the new transnational configuration of European legal practice. Study programs offering education in civil law and common law are emerging everywhere in Europe and in Canada. At McGill, the 30-year-old National Program has now taken the shape of integrated, transsystemic legal studies. More and more legal scholars are intrigued by the idea that learning the law must be pursued by integrating multiple traditions and representations of law from the very beginning of a jurist's university education. Legal education moves into a world of ideas, no longer constrained by political geography or state normativity. The McGill Round Table on Legal Education is a recurring occasion for legal scholars to discuss the shape of legal education in this changing environment.
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