
10th Cruess Conference on Bone Structure and Metabolism

Thursday, December 11, 2008 16:00
Shriners Hospital, 1529 Cedar Avenue, Shriners Hospital, 1529 Cedar Avenue, 2nd floor Conference Room, Montreal, CA

Co-sponsored by McGill University and the Shriners Hospitals for Children, the Richard L. Cruess Lectureship was endowed to acknowledge Dr. Cruess leading role in establishing the Research Department at the Shriners Hospital and fostering its close association with McGill University.


The Cruess Lecture series allows to bring to McGill outstanding clinicians and researchers to speak to medical and post-graduate students, as well as the Faculty.  These lectures give overviews of significant developments in the field of bone structure and metabolism.


The Tenth Cruess Lecturer is Prof Roger Bouillon.  He is an outstanding lecturer and a world-renowned expert in Vitamin D metabolism.  His topic will be “Vitamin D and Global health”.  The day after the Lecture, Dr Bouillon will present an interesting research seminar on “Vitamin D and Bone & Growth Plate”.


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