Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Prosperity

Published: 5 October 2013

What is the common ground between the economic successes of the Netherlands in the XVII-XVIII centuries, nineteenth century England, twentieth century U.S. and, more recently, countries such as...

The Scottish independence movement learned from Quebec's failed votes for separation

Published: 22 September 2014

The first time was in 1980 when Quebec’s premier, René Lévesque, called for a provincial referendum on pursuing a negotiated secession from Canada. The key issue for the separatists was the...

Negative rates, deficits and defaults

Published: 15 February 2016

Japan’s, the US’s and Europe’s central banks and governments continue to fly by the seat of their pants, since none of their policies restored prosperity since the 2008 crisis.  Incomes stagnate,...

The philosopher and the tycoon, how Eric Hoffer Predicted the last election

Published: 28 February 2017

In an opinion piece for the Wall Street Journal, Desautels Finance Professor Reuven Brenner examines the 1970 essay Whose Country Is America? by Eric Hoffer. Professor Brenner looks at how the...

Restoring a Real Middle Class

Published: 2 August 2013

In an interview last week, President Barack Obama correctly emphasized both that "upside mobility was part and parcel of who we were as Americans" and also that such mobility has been "eroding over...

EU elections and demography

Published: 18 June 2014

You have heard about the “seismic”, “shocking” and “bombshell” results from last month’s vote in Europe for the EU parliament. Many traditional, centrist parties lost ground and in France and in...

France's national suicide

Published: 19 November 2015

Over at Asia Times, I argue that France will do nothing in response to the Paris massacres but round up the usual suspects. 

2016 was a year of insanity. What’s next?

Published: 9 January 2017

The year 2016 started with an insane US decision concerning the Middle East and the world: signing a deal on January 16 with Iran’s mullahs (a deal whose details have not been revealed to these days).

Bernanke's World War II Monetary Regime

Published: 25 March 2013

When a government spends beyond its means, the options for paying for the spree are unattractive. It can burden the populace with higher taxes, or it can wipe out a portion of creditors' wealth by...


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